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Chamois leather (British pronunciation: /ˈʃæmwɑː/ or American pronunciation: /ʃæmˈwɑː/) — sometimes known as a wash-leather or by the trade name "Shammy" (/ˈʃæmi/) — is a type of porous leather that is favored for its gentle, non-abrasive composition and absorption properties, and is used by professional window cleaners. This method is better than water fed pole and squeegees. :whistle:

I used fairy today and just blasted the window afterwards with water,works well.

Only thing is you get top notice those water marks in the glass that do not come or,don't matter how hard you try. Trad method your not looking for them.

What do you mean? ?


I trad and i am looking for all kinds of marks

There's burned it streakes, I've used all sorts of chems in them, nothing removes um. You not had this then. It looks like the sun has burnt them on. I'll get a microscope on them tomorrow and have a closet look.

Only problem with trading it first time is theres still gonna be dirt under seals when you go scrub it proper on 2nd clean. That said I might try it on a stinker as they do take feckin ages

I think nature and the elements are a stronger force then a scrub and squirt of a brush. I reckon any traces of fairy are long gone after a month of heavy british weather.
You can't be scrubbing properly then. /emoticons/tongue.png

You can't compare even months of raining to the wash we give the windows on a first clean. For starters :top of upstairs windows never see water even when it's raining. All those little gaps where dust can settle...

Tbh i'm not sure about the soap residue stuff either, if you scrub and rinse plenty on the first clean it should remove soap residue or whatever.

Staining on the glass is classed as glass restoration that I class as a whole different ball game to window cleaning. Needless to say you should charge extra when doing glass restoration work.

There are many products and methods that can be used to restore glass.

There's burned it streakes, I've used all sorts of chems in them, nothing removes um. You not had this then. It looks like the sun has burnt them on. I'll get a microscope on them tomorrow and have a closet look.
You can't compare even months of raining to the wash we give the windows on a first clean. For starters :top of upstairs windows never see water even when it's raining. All those little gaps where dust can settle...Tbh i'm not sure about the soap residue stuff either, if you scrub and rinse plenty on the first clean it should remove soap residue or whatever.
I'm not comparing anything to the first clean. I'm saying that the soap residue is irrelevent, and that its a load of bollocks put out by the WFP manufacturers to make sales. On another note, if soap residue was so bad, why do WFP guys add soap to the brush on a first clean? ...because its good and it works well on grime.

Because if the true be known pure water don't work so well maybe on minging glass? /emoticons/biggrin.png

I'm not comparing anything to the first clean. I'm saying that the soap residue is irrelevent, and that its a load of bollocks put out by the WFP manufacturers to make sales. On another note, if soap residue was so bad, why do WFP guys add soap to the brush on a first clean? ...because its good and it works well on grime.
wat wud win a a fight tolish /emoticons/tongue.png a wfp pole or a trad cleaner with a squeeze /emoticons/tongue.png
...their will only everbe one winner...

Chuck Norris.


But then wfp guy's after using a boost and scrub rinse it off properly don't they unlike trad guys? /emoticons/biggrin.png

I can squirt upto 5 lpm on whaterver I'm working on with me pole too...how about you?/emoticons/biggrin.png

But then wfp guy's after using a boost and scrub rinse it off properly don't they unlike trad guys? /emoticons/biggrin.png
We might not rinse it off but we do wipe it off. By the time I have detailed the glass and seals are dry, and the frame has minimal residue. By the time a month has passed I doubt there would be even a sniff of lemon zest on there. ...but apparently this soap residue is awful and the major cause of streaks.:rolleyes: So the solutionis to put on more soap to wash the soap residue off....LMAO.

Flawed argument is flawed.

Thought that one would shut you up :rofl:
The WFP propoganda is so weak mate, I'll call bull**** on it whenever I see it. I reckon all the WFP manufacturers will take out a hit on me one day to silence the truth. /emoticons/biggrin.png

some people i have seen this do not rinse down properly

i went to one line of houses few weeks ago and they dont want another wfp near them after wat he did:devil:
