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but tolish u have to give it to wfp guys who do a good job /emoticons/smile.png
I'm not anti WFP matey, I'm just anti bull****. I don't care how someone cleans a window.. The only time I'll step in is when someone spouts the made up science from the WFP catalogue. When you apply logic to what they are saying, you can see its all a load of crap designed to sell more units.

Unless you want streaky windows on both sides of the glass :whistle:

:itwasntme:honest missus /emoticons/biggrin.png

thats it tell me wat do u do on first cleans wen they real dirty ??? like the vents how u clean them out
...its easier for them to just let it streak and then winge about soap residue from the last tradder that cleaned the windows 2 years ago. /emoticons/wink.png

Each method you have to compromise... Meaning do I risk life and limb to earn a few bob or wave a stick about then hope for the best /emoticons/biggrin.png

To be honest from the customers point of veiw as long as they are happy you could do it by trampoline and they would not give a fig. Mind you would be fun to see :laugh:

I sometimes think WFP is cr4p. The sun is shining through my front windows (cleaned inside and out on Sunday) and they look not so good in places, I've just rubbed the glass near the bottom of the frame with Winsol to get rid of staining. Low sun = :mad: it shows all imperfections on and inside the glass unit.

Each method you have to compromise... Meaning do I risk life and limb to earn a few bob or wave a stick about then hope for the best /emoticons/biggrin.png
To be honest from the customers point of veiw as long as they are happy you could do it by trampoline and they would not give a fig. Mind you would be fun to see :laugh:
Exactly Smurf. So I just wish the 'not so bright' people within the WFP clan would just stick to that and not venture into the realms of science./emoticons/biggrin.png

this is all sounding like star wars and lightsaber lol of obiwan u shud of stuck to the hand lightening instead of devolping that old stick thing o_O:wow:

It's now Tuesday @Tuffers so what do you expect /emoticons/biggrin.png

I have glss like that in my own house it's not on the ouside surface but inside the dg unit itself. And I'm not talking about blown seals either.

I sometimes think WFP is cr4p. The sun is shining through my front windows (cleaned inside and out on Sunday) and they look not so good in places, I've just rubbed the glass near the bottom of the frame with Winsol to get rid of staining. Low sun = :mad: it shows all imperfections on and inside the glass unit.
thats real wfp talk lol its not the glass uv its on the inside

i have cleaned the inside

no the inside of the glass lol yea yea another excuse

It's now Tuesday @Tuffers so what do you expect /emoticons/biggrin.pngI have glss like that in my own house it's not on the ouside surface but inside the dg unit itself. And I'm not talking about blown seals either.
Funny that none of the trad guys have it..:whistle::rofl:

It's now Tuesday @Tuffers so what do you expect /emoticons/biggrin.pngI have glss like that in my own house it's not on the ouside surface but inside the dg unit itself. And I'm not talking about blown seals either.

Funny that none of the trad guys have it..:whistle::rofl:
None of the trad guys look closely enough to check their work /emoticons/tongue.png ba boom tish

None of the trad guys look closely enough to check their work /emoticons/tongue.png ba boom tish

:pBecause we can't see any missed bits while only inches from the glass unlike you guys using your binoculars from the ground
