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First cleans.


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No Tench, I'm in Mid Devon. I tend to work in West Devon and Mid Devon. I have a couple of larger jobs in East Devon. I only go to your neck of the woods for leisure, never for work.
so u must b summer set way then m8 /emoticons/smile.png

well this post says first cleans....and i only wfp first cleans from now on....

of course....i trad check em afterwards.....but....its hardly hard work...

wfp is though....it hurts me muscles dont like it....but....its fun too.../emoticons/biggrin.png

saves going to the gym

apart from the mystery of the tangling of the hose....i would swear no way i walked through the hosepipe on the floor today and yet at the same time....my hose told me i did..../emoticons/biggrin.png

thank god for that awcs ...i was getting worried for a minute...

still i fully loaded again for tomorrow... me just loves the twinkle that pure gives out...

My hose often has a life of its own! It was all knotted today at one point so I tugged it and broke my connector :gush: Lesson leaned :thumbsup:

i have just lost my temper with my ro ...and then thought ..oops that was close....well it was shooting water every where...bloody pure...well at least the worktop is clean.........../emoticons/biggrin.png...yeh that connector is on my list to order of spares...as its only plastic and looks well easy to snap....

Don't get me started on hoses :mad: mine will loop and loop when it's reeled in and then get wrapped round the spindle when reeling it off just lately. I bought new hose thinking I'd stretched it too much or something, but the new one is doing the same. It's either the way I'm reeling in or the reel has had it.

Don't get me started on hoses :mad: mine will loop and loop when it's reeled in and then get wrapped round the spindle when reeling it off just lately. I bought new hose thinking I'd stretched it too much or something, but the new one is doing the same. It's either the way I'm reeling in or the reel has had it.
It's just keeping you on your toes :laugh: Mine has days of doing tricks like that /emoticons/biggrin.png

Do you guys recommend any cleaning chemicals that I should be using on first cleans and how long should I take on a house of that size? (See pic)

All depends on the condition of the frames, sills and glass and if they need restoration work or not.

Some can take alot longer than others so on average on one-off/first cleans I allow an hour or so and charge accordingly.

You will find on some jobs using just pure water is not enough so I would use a boost like ubik or something similar to scrub the frames and glass first. I also carry different chems & cream/solvent cleaners to be used if/when required.

White upvc & white ali frames that have not been cleaned for a while will discolour & oxidise. You can check if the frames have oxidised by wetting a finger and rub the surface. If so will leave a white powdery mark on your finger. Also when using wfp method if you don't do a finger test the water run off will turn milky in colour. If you allowed this to dry on the glass (don't rinse it enough) will look worse than when you started. Discoloured plastic is a restoration job to bring it back to white and can take a while to sort out.

Double glazing rubber seals can trap old soap and dirt and can often bleed a black colour so again particular attention should be given to make sure they are cleaned. Upvc frames also have drainage holes & vents so years of crud may leach out and dry on the glass in the form of drip marks/spots.

Hydrophobic glass tends to spot more than hydrophilic glass if not rinsed properly too.

Welcome to the world of stick waggling /emoticons/biggrin.png

Did a little time with a company called clearview based in ashby, on all his first cleans he used a chemical added to water in a bucket then we dipped our brushes and scrubbed the whole window this stuff lathered up like nothing you've ever seen but washed off very quick and did a fantastic job, he never once revealed what this stuff was , he said it was his secret weapon ?????
