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Foot the ladder v laddermate


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I could still use it like that though if I wanted as the ankalad legs I have fitted to mine gives it much more stability once set up.

To be honest I very rarely use it as an A frame step ladder as with the ankalad the ladder can be set up free standing anyway.

Scottie, i think you should go on a 'ladder training course' or 'Working at heights training' of some kind.

Im not being rude, but im worried that you do not know the first thing about using a ladder.

I would hate to hear that you have had an accident some time in the future.

Have you got any mates nearby that use ladders, who could give you a bit of a heads up on their ladders or something?

Scottie, i think you should go on a 'ladder training course' or 'Working at heights training' of some kind.Im not being rude, but im worried that you do not know the first thing about using a ladder.

I would hate to hear that you have had an accident some time in the future.

Have you got any mates nearby that use ladders, who could give you a bit of a heads up on their ladders or something?
Yes mate, i have got a load of ladder vids together and also am looking locally to go on a quick course. They ae only a half day course will give me some good methods. and ill practice at home etc.

I was going to go down the WFP route but can not find a back pack package at all thats resonable price and a ro unit to make the water, its going to take ages to find out what I need for that. I have the m8rix and the ladder 76' degree coming too and also some spurs i am thinking about with a stand off. Just caught in between the two, the only thing that bugs me is the awkward windows just did not want to do them trad pole, but will have no option, if i can not locate a WFP system. I thought there would be load floating about. I am ok using ladders, I am only goig up to the upstair rooms, nothgin more not doing gutter etc. I am not bothered about doing it, I just want decent safty bits, just trying to be careful. Spent the day learning my squeegee and right mix for ecover and water etc. Finding my way to do the window quicker but in good quality.

Cheers mate for the concern, it so good to hear, all i get is ranting in my ear window cleaning is crap and it will not work, dont do it, fed up of it now, why all my family friends think its going to fail lol . I am genuine about my passion to do it and stick at it and grow it. I want to learn off you guys in hear as much as I can and also pick up my own skills. So really appriciate everyone whom is giving advice. A year ago I was like well I wont be doing anthing next year I lost my job and had a horrible year of recovery, so to be here now starting this I am so determind to make it work and learn, its a job I really want to do and make it work.

I am just rushing a bit as I am skint and its real tuff at present. But saying that I have a comprehensive set up for trad and promotions too. So the WFP would be great, just wanted a entry level set up back pack and get going as would be easiest. I search ebay etc and no complete systems to buy or online there all seperates , so for the newbie its daunting to no whats good to buy and not. Hence my frantic requests on here.

Don't panic Scottie, your doing well so far!

Keep it basic for now, but good.

As you are doing practice on your home windows, and try out the trad pole a bit.

When you go for jobs, choose house you feel confident that you can clean safely.

Before i got WFP kit I would avoid houses with windows that i could not reach via ladder, but would not mind the odd window above porches etc if i could trad pole it.

I am sure some guys go straight to WFP before learning how to do it properly with a squeegee.

Take your time with it all, especially the ladders. Its not as if you have hundreds of windows to clean.

As you get more customers, you will naturally speed up without even noticing it. Keep going.


Cheers mate, I do that lol, I go down a street to flyer and pick all the ones to flyer that ae nice and flat and flat ground. Thought I was silly, I miss loads houes as have porches and slopping roofs, no way a ladder can do it, so I take it you all trad pole them. I find trad pole hard, it looked ok to do, but i was wrong. I suppose it will come, the unger pole is heavey to i have a 24ft one.

I wanted the WFP way as I can tie it in with connys a I can wash normally with tap and then soap up gain with aplicator and then wash off with pure and rinse it if glass roof, if the roofs with the haze ill just tap it and squeege off.

I just really like the WFP, if I could find a package with start to end equipment needed for 300-400 I would be happy but can not locate anything as not sure what is good to buy or not. Need some help really, but to start with I just need a back pack/trolley set up thats entry level and learn it then progress.

So if anyone out there does no of a system on ebay or a shop etc thats a complete package for me to make pure RO way and the delivery system I need please let me no. Thank you.

Got myself in a bit state as its hard to know whats right to buy and whats not. I have seen this and looks good as I know some people here used this one when starting. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Start-a-water-fed-pole-window-cleaning-business-for-only-300-/131002153236?pt=UK_B_I_Business_for_Sale_CV&hash=item1e80563914

I think I need a few bits still to make it work fully but nothing much. Ta

Forget about wfp gear for now and just concentrate on getting in easy trad work. Even some bungalows though can be a bit tricky so just take on all easy jobs. That way you are out earning some dosh and honing your trad skills at the same time.

Hi Smurf, I am flyering all the bungalows, have done over 800 flyers now, my legs are kiling and my knee. I am picking all he houses that look easy to do with no slopping roofs etc. I think a flat front house just going up to upstair windows is not to bad on ladder and should be ok for me, I did want to do gutter and fascia etc but i think that will come in time when i get confident. You guys are so right, I am trying to much and need to listen and just try get work in. I am flyering this week all the bungalows I can find and then easy houses, looking on google maps and getting a plan on where to go each day. That way I can ease into it and if i get a call and its a tuff house I will have to work it out:)

I listen too much and scare myself, people always saying oh go WFP its safe not like that ladder trad, on and on. but really I am fine with ladder work on that level max upstair windows, I am fine with it and need to get out there doing it. I used to climb up the porches and stand on them as a kid so its nto much higher. Also trad is easier to do in terms of set up and what need. I can complicate things when I get going.

I must sound liek a right fool lol - I am going to stick with my plan and stop listening to scare mungering. I actually think trad is the best after my study in to it all imo. Up against the glass.

I just need custys, its quiet. I have got two today off face book again so 4 in total now in a week since starting. well just over a week, is that any good? I need to stp up the flyering and start to door knock, got put off today as I was going to do a road at end of day but was flyering and some guy says, wouldent waste our time, no one want there windows done and karcher have a vac system. FELT low after that, but fook him, I am just going to bombard the flyers 10-2 then 2-3 door knocking and that each day this week now.

Coming on here has helped me so much so like to say thanks to everyone for your time in helping me find my direction and motivation and choosing the right products and methods. THANKS!

Nice one and a good price too as anything is better than nothing as they say when working on ladders on your own :thumbsup:

for window cleaning with a full round you need a permanently fitted safety device- theres no time for to-ing and fro-ing back to the car for also-ran safety GIZMOS that may or may not work

- permanently fitted ladder spikes are the essential item. made of hardened steel is best for longer life

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That's the problem when working with ladders doing trad window cleaning as most devices you have to cart about separately so are not often used as most want to get on with the job not fart about. Would I use spikes then probably not but if that what works for you then fair play but is not really the best solution.

However after saying that I'm not a trad cleaner using ladders anymore so I don't have to do hundreds of ladder sets in day nor have to worry if the ladder is going to slip or not which it has in the past. That is why I like the ankalad so much as is always on my ladders folded in to the stiles when I need to use it and seems to work very well.

Regarding ladder safety devices and how good or bad they are the ankalad has been independently tested and approved by HSE and also the microlite standoff I use unlike some other so say devices out there.

To be honest in this day and age there is no real reason why ppl should be still using ladders on most types of jobs when there are other safer alternatives available to be cleaning windows at height.

I have a ladder minimisation policy in place that is why I prefer to do more pole work now.

Would be interest to find out if an employer like yourself @boarcity would be found liable if taken to court if one of your crew gets hurt cleaning windows by ladders especially on 3 storey work. I'm betting hse would have a field day for you failing to provide a proper risk assesment etc.

I have a ladder minimisation policy in place that is why I prefer to do more pole work now.
Would be interest to find out if an employer like yourself @boarcity would be found liable if taken to court if one of your crew gets hurt cleaning windows by ladders especially on 3 storey work. I'm betting hse would have a field day for you failing to provide a proper risk assesment etc.
i looked into this in detail - my workers are fully insured . About 50% of insurance companies cover ladderwork in this industry. certainly some wont cover both ladders and WFP

the industry standard cover for ladderwork in this industry is up to 10 metres and has been for some time . we work below 8 . we are also insured for the use of cherry pickers ,with a maximum height of 2 metres !

When you say your workers are fully insured I take it you mean you have employers liability for each one then?

i looked into this in detail - my workers are fully insured . About 50% of insurance companies cover ladderwork in this industry. certainly some wont cover both ladders and WFP
the industry standard cover for ladderwork in this industry is up to 10 metres and has been for some time . we work below 8 . we are also insured for the use of cherry pickers ,with a maximum height of 2 metres !