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Foot the ladder v laddermate


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Yes Smurf, that is almost identical the the

Ladder Legs I was talking about. Mine a white in colour. Maybe the angle looks slightly different, but the same design.


Scottie if you see me working you will notice the ankalad is usually folded up and sometimes the standoff is in my boot

I only use it for certain Windows/jobs

It is easy to get in the habit of assessing each ladder placement as you work and you will find you don't need your stabilizer much

The trick is knowing when to use it

Smurf, you got them for 99p? wow!

Can those spurs be folder up at all or have to hang on the ladder all time. I suppose you will have to losen and tighten each time start a new house if need to pack ladder in car. Good though.that and a m8rix would be good and make one feel at ease.

Dave, yeah, I really liek the ankalad, just found out my ladders are 2m and to short. maybe one for the future. /emoticons/smile.png

I bought a rubber mat with an upstand (looks like an upside down letter T) when I started about a year ago, it has it's uses such as preventing your ladder feet digging into someone's prized lawn. When used in combination with a pair of aluminium spike things I bought I can completely eliminate the risk of the ladder bottom sliding out on grass or decking, unfortunately most surfaces are paving flags. When I'm clearing/cleaning gutters I will usually use it with a bag of sand to foot the ladder. In the dry I would say a mat will reduce the risk of the ladder sliding as it probably weighs at least 20kg and I used it a lot when I started but as the confidence grows I now only use it when I have to. The best thing I did to make the job safer was to invest in a backpack and WFP as I had quite a few upstairs windows that were pretty dodgy (standing on steep pitched roofs while hanging onto the cills, high windows with triple at full extension and working right at the top). I was a sceptic when I made the investment but I'm so glad I did it, all the dodgy windows are cleaned WFP now and it's handy when customers grow roses or brambles under their windows, probably the best £220 I ever spent.

I bought a rubber mat with an upstand (looks like an upside down letter T) when I started about a year ago, it has it's uses such as preventing your ladder feet digging into someone's prized lawn. When used in combination with a pair of aluminium spike things I bought I can completely eliminate the risk of the ladder bottom sliding out on grass or decking, unfortunately most surfaces are paving flags. When I'm clearing/cleaning gutters I will usually use it with a bag of sand to foot the ladder. In the dry I would say a mat will reduce the risk of the ladder sliding as it probably weighs at least 20kg and I used it a lot when I started but as the confidence grows I now only use it when I have to. The best thing I did to make the job safer was to invest in a backpack and WFP as I had quite a few upstairs windows that were pretty dodgy (standing on steep pitched roofs while hanging onto the cills, high windows with triple at full extension and working right at the top). I was a sceptic when I made the investment but I'm so glad I did it, all the dodgy windows are cleaned WFP now and it's handy when customers grow roses or brambles under their windows, probably the best £220 I ever spent.
Hi mate, what WFP system did you gt for £220, I am interested in one, as lots of pitched roofs near me and I dont really want to be climbing on them or other roofs, tbh I wont, so can not do them houses. I have a unger pole and trad pole, but its hard work.

12 rung triple combi ladder from bps http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/7-12-Rung-Combi-Combination-Extension-Triple-Treble-3-Section-Multi-Step-Ladder-/310701016266?pt=UK_Baby_BabyFeedingUtensils_EH&var=&hash=item48573944ca
But they also do standard triple ladders too if you look in there fleebay shop

The ankalad & microlite standoff you will have to buy separate from other sources though
Not going to be good for cleaning windows as with step ladder set up I will be sideways?

They look good ladders though.

It's a combi @Scottie so can be used either as an A frame step ladder or a normal triple ladder which ever way you want. The ladder top section can be taken off too if you don't need the extra height.

Might sound silly, can you use this front on and clean windows? as in the pic he he standing facing and has the a frame i assume. coulf you face it like thatto the window and clean it? or woudl you have to have it side ways, if sideways your not going to be able to do windows really are you? Ladder looks great, I would get that, just unsure you can use it face on and I would want to having that, think I might be to far away from window or does it match the back base so your up against window. Tryign to look for vids on it on you tube. Thanks smurf.

12 rung triple combi ladder from bps http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/7-12-Rung-Combi-Combination-Extension-Triple-Treble-3-Section-Multi-Step-Ladder-/310701016266?pt=UK_Baby_BabyFeedingUtensils_EH&var=&hash=item48573944ca
But they also do standard triple ladders too if you look in there fleebay shop

The ankalad & microlite standoff you will have to buy separate from other sources though
That picture is awsome, see, that is where I want to be one day having your skill and knowledge.

So the link you gave me for the combie ladder, could i have it set up as in the picture with the guy in red top. Could I have it facing the window sraight on and get to the window, as its an a frame it seem I will be wel off the window or am i wrong, if so this is the ladder for me, its awsome. Hope you understand what I am asking, Just tryignt o work my angels out, as if i wanted it like the a frame set up, I could use it to trad upstair windows on.

I think I may be being very thick here lol - just that this is the kinda ladder I been after for ages but could not find. I wanted the saftey of a strp ladder type support like this but always wondered if i had it set up facing on to the window would i be close to the glass to clean it, looking it seems I would actually, I would not have to stand side ways. If so this is just awsome.

Step ladders/combi ladder set as a A frame I would say are just as dangerous if not more so to use than leaning ladders as all 4 points of contact of the ladder need to be on a flat level surface. Not only that they can topple sideways very easily so are not ideal for trad window cleaning.

Yea I see what you are saying. I think I will stick with my Abru and get a stand off that will help a little and the m8rix. Just then need to be sensible on the ladder and not over try or over reach and should be ok, its a matter of just staying focused all times and not try to short cut, if you do that should be ok. I woont be going over upstair windows anyway. Thanks mate

I will. Hey you no your stuff, I wil have a stand off and m8rix, but wondered what else could I use to help sideways slip, like ladder spurs etc, I dotn want to spend loads but enough but want to add somthing thats easy to put on and will work with the m8rix, just rather have more saftey than less. I just am not sure whats best. I ditched the WFP i think its too much at present for me, so just want decent safe set up ladder wise. The ankalad is to big for my abru.

Nope there not that safe for sure used like that. I've tried it and nearly crapped myself /emoticons/biggrin.png

Surely this can't be safe? Ps cheers for the link smurf they look good value