Quality picture, great set up. I think the ankalad for just cleaning windows is too much as I would have to set up and take down, but its perfect for gutter work etc. I think all I can do is get the safty m8trix and a stand off and just follow the basic rules of ladder safty, its better than no safty at all.
The side ways fall, not sure how you can prevent it, I suppose safe ladder working and not reaching over is recommended and not putting it on uneaven ground where the weight is distributing. I am in need to learn on what to do in them situations, although I have a pole system i can use if not happy with situation. Also alot of house near me seem to have drives on the incline quite steep, emm, wonders about ladders on them, a lot to take in. Suppose an ankalad is hard to operate too on slooping drives...
Great picture btw though, nice ot learn what everythign is and how its used right.
The side ways fall, not sure how you can prevent it, I suppose safe ladder working and not reaching over is recommended and not putting it on uneaven ground where the weight is distributing. I am in need to learn on what to do in them situations, although I have a pole system i can use if not happy with situation. Also alot of house near me seem to have drives on the incline quite steep, emm, wonders about ladders on them, a lot to take in. Suppose an ankalad is hard to operate too on slooping drives...
Great picture btw though, nice ot learn what everythign is and how its used right.