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Foot the ladder v laddermate


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Quality picture, great set up. I think the ankalad for just cleaning windows is too much as I would have to set up and take down, but its perfect for gutter work etc. I think all I can do is get the safty m8trix and a stand off and just follow the basic rules of ladder safty, its better than no safty at all.

The side ways fall, not sure how you can prevent it, I suppose safe ladder working and not reaching over is recommended and not putting it on uneaven ground where the weight is distributing. I am in need to learn on what to do in them situations, although I have a pole system i can use if not happy with situation. Also alot of house near me seem to have drives on the incline quite steep, emm, wonders about ladders on them, a lot to take in. Suppose an ankalad is hard to operate too on slooping drives...

Great picture btw though, nice ot learn what everythign is and how its used right.

It's all about minimising risk to yourself and others when using ladders but for me having a stable ladder is a good start. There are plenty of situations when trying to use a ladder it's just not safe to do so or plan impossible so that's when other kit/methods should be considered/used.

Myself I have a ladder minimisation policy and only use them as a last resort now.

It seems to be a long way down for sure. Best to not look down as they say :D

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Smurf just out of interest, what it like going from normal 2nd floor windows cleaning to then going right up to the rooline? I take it at first it must be like tripple the scare of 2nd floor as your feet are well below the window anyway. I just dont think I would be able to do roofline work, make you think thats why people should pay good money for roofline work to be done, its money well earnt in my mind. Cheers
drives with an incline are a real risk, more so now when its the damp weather months. this is where choosing a pole to use comes into play.

i can do a whole day with a trad pole if the weather decides it for me , though i always prefer to do a day on ladders over a day with a pole.

theres something very satisfying about ladderwork,its hard to explain in just a few lines.

i dont do any downstairs work myself, out of choice cos im the guvnor -and spend all my workdays on a ladder or on a pole . i have a girl work with me who does the downs.she uses a short pole because i wont allow steps or step ladders at any time .

iv noticed in recent weeks that theres been a reversal in attitude from my other 2 workers , they used to take turns on the ladders but they are now squabbling over who gets to do the ladders, each Wants to do ladders and not the downs

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Yeah I can understand that fully. I will persoanlly just get the m8trix and stand off and safe ladder use and not be silly. Bets you can do really. I will have to use pole on anything not happy with. As it goes its all about taking risk away as much as possible and just being sensible and not take risks. I like the ankalad but to time taking for trad windows.

wow them gutters are full. Thats fooking high, not for me that lol. Its far enough just to 2nd windows.

Boarcity, I might use the pole for a bit too, I just found it hard to get it right as you said, but i should geta visa versa and fit a coat hanger with cloth attached to it to detail. It takes longer, but safe. I coudl do while I start, but I want to do ladder really as get them proper clean first time. But yeah with crappy weather pole work could be used more. Just the unger pole will kill ya arms all day and neck. I dont even no how the WFP users do it all day, I was shocked when I got my pole and practiced. Thinks i will go and practice more on the pole tomorrow. The best times must be march - september usually going to be ok weather and safty wise.

pole work be it trad or wfp always reduces the risk on awkward ladder jobs for sure. :thumbsup:

Scottie of you need to get ankalad out it literally takes seconds to set up not ages if it means you lose a minute or 2 on a house so be it..you are a lot safer and better job than a pole

Whats foot the ladder like on grass or other floors? Anyone know. It seems the best kit about for sliding out. The M8trix thign looks good is thata rubber base? wont that slip then with weightinwhen your on ladder?
Where to you get the *****? thats an added bonus, might look into them.

So any of you just use ladder and feet and thats it? I just assume they could slip out any time. The stand off is a usefull tool, that looks to me as it can give a bit more stability as its got rubber grips for wall, not sure what extra safty it provides, but looks like it provides more safty. I will know the runner mats on head then. Dont no what to get then as foot the ladder may not always be used in certain situations, whats the alternative. just bugs me the sliding out thing and jst want some safty features in place really. If the lader is angled right though you should not slip really anyway.

Just wonder how the foot the ladder works on grass etc....must be same principle?
Scottie. I really rate the supagrip feet that midland ladders fit for free on their titan range. Obviously, not foolproof, but they do provide a bit more safety. I have just brought a laddermate for the more dodgy situations such as decking In the winter....will be testing this out in the week.

Smurf, i take it that being a health & safety type man, you would always prescribe the use of a Full body harness when working of the top of your ladder with the ankalad and microlite, as obviously cleaning the gutters, once your up there will require both hands.

One of the main rules I've always heard when attending 'working at heights' safety training, is to keep 3x points of contact.

So hence the necessity to use a harness attached to the wall or to a fixed ladder, ( a ladder which is tied to the wall with a strap via either a temporary or permanent fixing point).

I worked in the TV Aerial industry for many years, where ladder and roof work safety was a pre- requisite.

Whats your thoughts?

One of the main reasons for using a microlite standoff resting on roof tiles is that one hand can remain on the ladder (third point of contact) to be able to clear & clean guttering etc. If you set it up right a pole can be used with both arms around the inside of the ladder with your body/knees resting between the stiles (buckle belt in the centre) this acts as the third point of contact which is still within eu regs. The guidlines also state for a duration of no more than 30 mins per ladder set and suitable ladder safety devices are to be considered to stop the ladder slipping where the ladder is not footed at the bottom. It goes on to say where possible the top of the ladder should be tied off or suitable stabiliser used will reduce the risk of sideways slip.

My understanding it is not compulsory for a window cleaner to use a fall arrest system yet even when they go about the task of clearing gutters via ladder. Same goes for many tradesmen that need to use ladders like painters etc.

H&S officer will not prosecute a window cleaner but may prosecute an employer be it on the books or contractor for not providing training, risk assessments and suitable ladder safety devices to prevent a ladder from slipping in the event of an incident.

When working on roofs then is a whole new ball game and a new set of eu regs need to be complied with.

In the ideal world yes I think every trades person should use a fall arrest ladder system but I can't see that happening somehow.


can you use both a ladder mate and a m8rix? That might be over the top but would provide more safty and not much time to set up at all. Woudl that work well?

Also I like the ankalad full se tup in smurfs pics but it would nto work doign day to day windows as need the space in front of ladder, i would so get that.

Smurf - what would you recommed to a newbie starting out or anyone really for day to day ladder work window cleaning only max height 2nd floor windows. cheers.

I will not be buy those rubber mats, boarcity mentioned, I also read online other people slipping using them, why are they on sale for that purpose then, madness.

Scottie what do you need the space in front of the ladder for??

If ladders are set at the correct angle they only just touch the wall

I would not recommend any type of safety device really as they are only as good as the design & ppl using them correctly. But after saying that out of all the ones I have tried then the ankalad and microlite standoff I find is the best option for me.

Scottie what do you need the space in front of the ladder for??If ladders are set at the correct angle they only just touch the wall
Hi mate,

well if there is a flower bed there with flowers that are bushy it will be impossible. I really like the design and would love it, but might cause some issues.

I was thinking of buying the m8rix but also put on the ladder the ladder mate, that should sure things up some what. Also a stand off with rubber on it to help grip the wall. I se some windys out today and out of the three none of them had any safty or stand off, just normal ladder and thats it.

Started flyering and had a little run in already..... not my fault, but wow what a rude little man. kept my cool and moved on, not worth it,not interested. I will mention it on another post. cheers.

The principle of the Ankalad seems good, but i wonder if it could bend and collapse under certain conditions/incident situation. It also requires clear space under the ladder by the look of it.

The Microlite is excellent though, especially for stopping sideways movement, as well as protecting the roof tiles.

I have a set of 'Ladder Legs' which strap on the stiles with a ratchet strap style clamp action.

With these fitted it is impossible for the ladder slip backwards. That couple with a microlight (either on the roof or against the wall) is the easiest and the best set up. I feel completely safe with this set up.

The principle of the Ankalad seems good, but i wonder if it could bend and collapse under certain conditions/incident situation. It also requires clear space under the ladder by the look of it.The Microlite is excellent though, especially for stopping sideways movement, as well as protecting the roof tiles.

I have a set of 'Ladder Legs' which strap on the stiles with a ratchet strap style clamp action.

With these fitted it is impossible for the ladder slip backwards. That couple with a microlight (either on the roof or against the wall) is the easiest and the best set up. I feel completely safe with this set up.
Hi mate, what are these ladder legs, any links? They sound good./emoticons/smile.png

I bought them a few years ago in Brewers the decorators trade store, i will try to take a picture next time and post it up. Not sure what they are called, the stickers have worn off. Not seen them anywhere else.
