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Starting or own a window cleaning business? We're a network of window cleaners sharing advice, tips & experience. Rounds for sale & more. Join us today!

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Hey all!
My other half is thinking of starting up window cleaning but he doesn't drive :/ so I think the ladders situation might be a problem

I've looked into the pole system but have no idea if it's easy to use or of it comes with instructions on how to use it? Also a few people have told me that it doesn't clean as well as the old bucket method?

Also where do you refill your water in between jobs?

Just looking for advice please from all of you experts. :)
Either way, trad or wfp he/you are going to need transport.
Before even considering spending any money on equipment you need to research your local area - is it saturated with window cleaners, and research how the job is actually done - lots of info on youtube - stick to UK window cleaners.

All the information you need is on this forum but you need to do a bit of searching for the info.

Running a business shouldn't be taken lightly, it is lots and lots of work and gaining good customers isn't easy!

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