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good start to the day....not


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Dave B

Staff member
so i have damaged my ribs and they hurt a lot

Get up at 8 on a sunday morning to do a new job i had arranged for today so it doesn't interfere with my plans for the week

Get there bang on 9am like arranged

Cars on drive

Blinds shut

No answer

Knocked and rang several times

No answer


I obviously have nothing better to do on a sunday than waste my bleedin time

Thinking of charging her for wasted time

Only 1 minute drive but still takes the ****

take a long deep breath[ well not in your case if ribbs hurt] and go back at eleven.

approach this like youre an insect, you go to where a lettuce leaf was yesterday and ready to eat but it isnt there, now youv got to hang around case another drops in - this analogy is absolutely Nothin to do with you ,i was watching an insect in my nephews terrarium

Should of cleaned the windows, but made as much noise as you could , clattering ladders on walls next to windows ,singing while you work ...

take a long deep breath[ well not in your case if ribbs hurt] and go back at eleven.
approach this like youre an insect, you go to where a lettuce leaf was yesterday and ready to eat but it isnt there, now youv got to hang around case another drops in - this analogy is absolutely Nothin to do with you ,i was watching an insect in my nephews terrarium
Not a chance i am going back

She can keep the 40 quid as poke it up her arsehole

She was a facebook jobbie

Misread that one as i can usually spot a waster

Definitely think i get a better quality of customer from canvassing rather than someone seeking a windie on facebook

Never used to have a problem but i think maybe they have to resort to facebook as run out of local windies to do the job

Hitting the canvassing more nowadays

One of the ones I got that cancelled I should have realised, as she said she tried two others who refused the job.

What happened to your ribs Dave?

On jobs like that it's best to phone first to let them know you're on your way before you turn up. Even though they have already aggreed a date & time the door bell may not work, they maybe out walking a pet or ppl can just forget or something comes up out of the blue and they don't let you know.

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One of the ones I got that cancelled I should have realised, as she said she tried two others who refused the job.
What happened to your ribs Dave?
I was doing a little bit of driving for my mate and pushing an overloaded sack barrow

It hit a big lump of stone and stopped dead causing me to go toppling forward and falling on it on the ground

Both the handles got me in my chest on the outside both sides

Bloody big bruises have just started coming out but ribs are bruised more than the skin

Sorry to hear that. Maybe it's a blessing they cancelled and you should rest today?

I occasionally get punched in the ribs, I think if they don't crack they recover quite fast on the positive side, like mouth injuries

...unlike bloody foot bones

Frank and his overloaded sack barrow...classic :rofl:

I was doing a little bit of driving for my mate and pushing an overloaded sack barrowIt hit a big lump of stone and stopped dead causing me to go toppling forward and falling on it on the ground

Both the handles got me in my chest on the outside both sides

Bloody big bruises have just started coming out but ribs are bruised more than the skin
All these years of boxing etc and still never could stand the feeling of bruised/broken ribs

Just hurts to do anything


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