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Got the van at last!!


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trevor peacock

Well-known member
Got the van at last!!

getting 400 lt upright tank, controller and pump on a board, using 12mm tubing with push fit connectors, already got leisure battery and reels.

What size di vessel should I get for polishing?

going to paint the van with underseal then ply line it, anyone done this?

Polishing is old school bs for customers. How do you 'polish' water?

My DI vessel is post tank pre pump just to catch any odds the RO missed pre tank.

Size is depending on what you're using it for. If it's your only purification method then as big as possible so you will have to change the resin less often.

Hi Trevor

If your still getting 10 ppm after your RO then you don't need anything too big. An 11 ltr should last you long enough but does depend on how much water your using. I'd recommend a guy on eBay called divessels based in Brackley who sells recon vessels. I've brought from him before as he's just down the road for me.

thats another point, should I have the vessel after or before the pump?

My unit in my garage takes the water down to 10 so the vessel in the van is just to get it down to 0.

I've got Di after the RO to bring it to 0 as it goes into my storage tank. Then just gets pumped into my van tank.

As your putting Di in the van it goes in between your pump and the hose as the water needs to be pushed not pulled through the Di.

Don't think it matters as long as the water touches/goes through the resin?

Anyway I have a 11L one after my RO before storage tank.

But my tap water is like 450ppm, the RO gets it down to around 014, resin 000.

No science just what I was told by my brother in law who's been wfp for 15+ years. Perhaps I need to inform him he's wrong then?

OK i'll bite. In 10 years I have never heard this and seen plenty of vans kitted with set up tank DI pump hose as mine is.
Whats the science to your statement?
Both work however having the vessel before the pump (pulling) gives increased vulnerability to air ingress. In 13 years DI only WFP I personally found this to be true. I also believe that DI vessels are designed to have water pushed through and not pulled.

Sorry just reread my last post and I sound arsie which didn't mean to.

Please don't send me to the clean it up forum Mr Green pro :iaminnocent:
