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Hard Wearing Paint?


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Poles Apart

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My slx18 has developed a crack at the bottom of the pole after being over extended the tape came away, I have sawed a couple of inches off it and re-taped it, I hate this electrical tape but everything else is too thick, I need to paint a line an inch or so before the tape but the Auto paint I use wears off anything else out there tougher?

The problem with car paint is that you have no primer or rough surface underneath to stick to which will be the same problem whatever you use unless you can slightly roughen the surface with some wet n dry first

Once the paint is on you'll not have any roughness but it will give the paint a key to stick to

Hammerite is what I was thinking too. Instead of brush on stuff though, I would opt for masking the pole up, and spraying a couple of thin coats on. After each coat, use a hair dryer or fan heater to 'bake' it on. I've done this before and you end up with a super strong finish almost as strong as powdercoating it. In this weather it'll dry too soft anyway without the extra help. Keep the coats very thin.

I found a nearly full tin of Hammerite Just been over B&M and got a brush and turps I've painted the lines on but they've dripped a bit I'll sand it down a bit in the morning.
