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Having a bad Spider day


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So I was noticing today that Spider season is in full swing... and they're huge at the moment! Was doing a door and a orb weaver as fat as a marble dropped down next to me, as I was doing the sill, a 3 inch wolf spider shot out to tackle my brush before deciding it was a bad idea. So I was thinking they're bigger than usual today, then turned around, went straight head first into a massive web with a big one in the center! After a bit of jumping around and shouting trying to get the little monster out of my hair I calmed down and was more careful but three times today I ended up getting my head in a web! They were everywhere, hundreds of em! Some houses had 2-3 per pane and there were huge today. I broke one web spanning a path to get by and the blighter ended up getting catapulted straight at me! Another path looked clear but the sucker was at head height suspended in mid air until I went through it. Climbed over a balcony and put my finger on something furry under the rail- another huge wolf spider. I'm sick of em! I got so on edge I even splashed water on the wall in the shape of a huge spider and made myself jump when I noticed! :1f602: Usually I'm not bothered but today on that estate it felt like I was on the cast of arachnophobia.


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