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Having a moment of panic


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Hey guys. like i said somewhere else we now have 3 boys working for us. Which means i can now go out canvasing started with leaflets 2 days ago and will follow up next week with a knock at the door etc. My problem is if i dont build up enough new custies then there is not enough work for four of us. if i do get enough newbies and some of the boys go else where im not going to beable to live up to the new commitments!!!

just having a panic moment as it was really hard putting together a crew that i trusted, they all seem to be on board and no what i want but you never no?

Anyone else experienced this? At the moment the round takes 6 wks but can take 8wks depending on staff/weather etc and all customers know this so if i can build up another few hundred housed i recon we would have enough work for the four of us

For those who dont know me our round is made up of little villages and rural properties with approx 700 properties at the moment. I took the business over last june after the previous owner had ran it into the ground. its taken me all this time to sort out the pricing and educating the customers. :-/

You have been working hard pal! Personally I would start small then work myself up the scale. You however have done it the other way round lol. I wouldn't know where to start structuring that, but you have 700 custys already? That's enough work for two? What are your other 2 staff going to do?


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?hkzfbo

why are you employing 3 other lads if you dont not have the work, get rid of them

i am assuming that when you took the business over the lads came with it, if not get rid and keep the best one, 700 is only 4 weeks work for 2 men,

why are you employing 3 other lads if you dont not have the work, get rid of them

i am assuming that when you took the business over the lads came with it, if not get rid and keep the best one, 700 is only 4 weeks work for 2 men,
I think the problem is that he's put together a well trusted team and he's worried about not getting the work especially when he's worked hard to put it all together.

Unfortunately I think the work is most important firstly. Then you should look into putting a team together /emoticons/unsure.png

true, but why put a team together if you aint got the work, to many in this business start think thye can get big and employ, dont get work then go skint,

if thats the case, when they got no work get them out leafleting and then he goes knocking at ***ht, this is whati woudl do, or since it is april in a week, get all 4 of them out leafletsing and knocking the whole two weeks

see james, great minds thing a like

this was my plan, get some one decent and then spend my time knocking, but it is hard to find some one you dont want to punch lol

Haha I wouldn't recommend punching anyone /emoticons/biggrin.png

But if I was desperate not to fail I'd definitely get all the staff out there canvassing or leaflet dropping for potential work. Get mapping off different areas and keep going at it


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?swf2o4

Honestly I wouldn't panic. If you've got the time to go canvassing you should get some business from new people. Just keep knocking down the doors and get the word out there.

Hey just to clarify guys. firstly im a she not he! lol secondly the reason i need three boys is thats how many it take to keep the round within the 6 - 8 weeks it takes. if the boys are out working then that frees me up to build the business up the way i want it done and the customers also get to know me. Having a good team behind you i feel makes all the difference. Like ive said before this was a failing business and i feel we are now turning the corner so its time for me to build it up hence more staff not to mention the right one came along so never miss an opportunity. these lads are all great, just get on with it and we all get along

we do a lot of rural houses that take a fair bit of time then theres the travel time to these places but at least in the last yr ive managed to sort out the pricing and made it worth our while to go and do these houses etc there is no way two of us could do that in four wks. ive tried and its impossible. 3 works out perfect. was just having a panic moment!!! you no? what if this or that? type thing but the canvasing is going well and im optimistic that it will all work out fine. if i keep picking upnew customers at this rate it wont be long till im back out working with the boys /emoticons/wink.png

i wouldnt worry about anything

just do a month or 2 of canverssing and see where you are this will tell u all u need to know :]

700 customers oh i can only dream a dream lol :]


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