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Heavy rain


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Depends what time it is really, if its like 1pm and its not forecast to stop for an hour i`ll just go home, if its likely to blow over in 10 mins i`ll wait it out or just go do a job where theres no one in. I did this the other day it was stop start, rather than stop at a heavy shower i just went to a job that i thought would be out or wouldnt mind. Theres some jobs i wouldnt attempt in heavy rain and some i reckon dont care so i kind of duck and dive a bit. But then about half one it really lashed it down and was forecast to be on all afternoon so i gave in and went home.

I actually dont mind working in the rain, in fact i quite like it, I seem to clean quicker and would take rain all day long than 25+ degree heat. Its just the customers i worry about i have had the odd complaint over the years which makes me cringe a bit when pulling up to someones house when its tipping it down. But then again 9 times out of 10 no ones says anything so a lot of the worry is in my head.
I don't work in the rain.

Many years ago I did a first clean. I had hardly started when the heavens opened. I didn't have a water proof jacket with me. I finished that house and I was drenched.
Lady paid me and I got back into my Suzuki Carry van and drove home. My wet clothes on the vans seats soaked them. It took about a week to dry them out. If it was winter it would have taken me weeks to dry those seats out.
I swore then I would never get into that position again.
I went back to the house the next day and checked the windows. Perfect.

I've only been in the van with wet clothes once since then. I put lots of towels down on the seat and didn't use the back rest of the seat. The towels were wet but the seat was dry.

You need some decent seat covers spruce.

Being wet from rain doesnt bother me at all, when its light rain in the summer i often will just get wet in my T shirt it beats boiling in the bag in a rain coat. In the summer you are either going to wet from rain or sweat so it doesnt really matter.
You need some decent seat covers spruce.

Being wet from rain doesnt bother me at all, when its light rain in the summer i often will just get wet in my T shirt it beats boiling in the bag in a rain coat. In the summer you are either going to wet from rain or sweat so it doesnt really matter.
When it rains I deliberately take jumpers etc off so just in a tshirt
I find it dries so much quicker once in the van with the blower on
Happy in T-shirt and shorts in the rain
If you have a Glass topped Patio table at home in the garden you can see the **** that comes down in the rain when it has dried. It has a layer of dry dust on it This **** lands on the windows while and after you have cleaned in heavy rain . Most customers dont look at there windows after clean. They take it for granted they have been cleaned . This is why i dont clean in the rain . no matter how much you rinse
ive had a couple complain but always pass by and reclean if they have any issues the next day if possible

If its a passing shower ill sit it out in van . have a cuppa. if like today pack up and go home . Tomorrows another day .
TDS of rainwater is low, circa 025 up north in my neck of the woods. Rainwater doesn't make windows dirty. The only issue is the optics and if this bothers you and potentially your customers.
in recent times i relish it when a [new] custy starts moaning about us turning up in the rain.I used to drop them but now[if iv got time] im gonna really mess them about so they wish theyd never ran into us .Howabout we start turning up Only when its raining , wringing our hands theatrically , walking hunch shouldered/gammy leg walk round the back then back round the front,then back again random tourette shouting "for FURKSsake " then tell them we just simply can .not do it in this blessed rain
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in recent times i relish it when a [new] custy starts moaning about us turning up in the rain.I used to drop them but now[if iv got time] im gonna really mess them about so they wish theyd never ran into us .Howabout we start turning up Only when its raining , wringing our hands theatrically , walking hunch shouldered/gammy leg walk round the back then back round the front,then back again random tourette shouting "for FURKSsake " then tell them we just simply can .not do it in this blessed rain
1720591068484.png maybe you should stop smoking and you'd stop writing such 🐂 :poop:
in recent times i relish it when a [new] custy starts moaning about us turning up in the rain.I used to drop them but now[if iv got time] im gonna really mess them about so they wish theyd never ran into us .Howabout we start turning up Only when its raining , wringing our hands theatrically , walking hunch shouldered/gammy leg walk round the back then back round the front,then back again random tourette shouting "for FURKSsake " then tell them we just simply can .not do it in this blessed rain

It's a waste of time cleaning windows in the rain if your trad using a squeegee and detergent.they will look a mess if it rains on a newly squeegeed window.i know cos I was trad for 17 years!

No problem cleaning in the rain WFP!👍🙂