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Help! Growth anchored in gutter


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Any tips for cleaning out high gutters (2+ storeys) when vegetation has grown in hard and anchored above the gutter into the valley forming a solid mass. Struggling to 'peck' at it when poles acting like a whip. Atom user. Thanks
@DrewKerr I had this a couple of months ago mate and in the end I went up a ladder. As @AW Services said it's a bit counter productive when you already have a gutter vacuum but sometimes there isn't much you can don. The sound the turf that I pulled out of the gutter made when I dropped it down to the ground was an absolute thud. The claw nozzle from GVS also looks good if you aren't able to get to it any other way.
I’ve got the GVS claw nozzle, it’s a lot heavier than your normal aluminium one and you’ll need to clamp it on so you don’t lose it. It’s great for hacking big clods up but you can’t get the same suction on it as the claw gets in the way. I do use it a lot though as these massive clumps of grass are usually why people call in the first place. Worth having one in your arsenal
Thank you All. GVS claw? Ah it's shorter than the Skyvac elite claw i bought but makes more sense. Not 100% sold on Skyvac stuff TBH. Atom not as mighty as it's suggested.
I completed one of the jobs I was thinking i'd struggle with yesterday: Big clump of grass at base of valley. Managed to get it with ladder and then used one of my vac poles with the claw to scratch it out. Tried pecking at it from the ground with vac but no chance.

Thank you All. GVS claw? Ah it's shorter than the Skyvac elite claw i bought but makes more sense. Not 100% sold on Skyvac stuff TBH. Atom not as mighty as it's suggested.
I completed one of the jobs I was thinking i'd struggle with yesterday: Big clump of grass at base of valley. Managed to get it with ladder and then used one of my vac poles with the claw to scratch it out. Tried pecking at it from the ground with vac but no chance.

One secret is always have a short hose in the van for the really tough jobs as the suction is lost the further away from the vac the head is.
A lot of this
Thank you All. GVS claw? Ah it's shorter than the Skyvac elite claw i bought but makes more sense. Not 100% sold on Skyvac stuff TBH. Atom not as mighty as it's suggested.
I completed one of the jobs I was thinking i'd struggle with yesterday: Big clump of grass at base of valley. Managed to get it with ladder and then used one of my vac poles with the claw to scratch it out. Tried pecking at it from the ground with vac but no chance.

A lot of is down to technique the more experience you have the more difficult jobs you will be able to do from the ground but there are always going to be jobs that will still need a ladder , also at this time of year the stuff in gutters dries out and goes hard like concrete and is then harder to remove and break up and get suction on it
If safe to do so reach for the ladder and do it by hand. The amount of time I’ve spent trying to dislodge gardens out of gutters is the unbelievable. Usually when they are that bad it all comes out in one piece as it’s held together by the roots so nice and easy.

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