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Just came across this on Amazon thought it was interesting as some have said that sodium hypochlorite is not allowed to be used for cleaning buildings and paths , as it’s not approved for that purpose , think this shows that it is approved for that type of use by the content of the advert .


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Be so careful with chems . In the recent past i have heard of a guy who died from spraying weedkillers [he wore all the protective gear too ] and someone else i know got early dementia who was in the habit of adding a dash of bleach into his buckets [often ]
On their website (https://jovs.co.uk/product/sodium-hypochlorite-liquid-chlorine-garden-patio/) they even give instructions for cleaning a patio!
And they don't mention about killing grass etc but put a caveat at the bottom of the page, I wonder why??

"PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the user to obtain registration for formulations based on Sodium Hypochlorite appropriate to its recommended application and the country or territory in which it will be used."
This isn't the worst of it a few months ago I'd have video adverts popping up on Facebook about a hypo-based product the person in the advert was wearing jeans and a t-shirt no ppe whatsoever and not a single mention of the risks of using their products
We have a large independent retailer here in Barnstaple which is similar yet smaller than Trago Mills which is currently selling a path and patio cleaner which has lots of friendly safe key words on the front label yet the rear label and its small print mentions all the nasty words like toxic, dangerous to wildlife, aquatic life, pets children, adults, vegetation and the environment

I really don't under why these types of biocides are so easy to buy without a care for anything

People are buying it by the case load but no one reads the rear labels


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We have a large independent retailer here in Barnstaple which is similar yet smaller than Trago Mills which is currently selling a path and patio cleaner which has lots of friendly safe key words on the front label yet the rear label and its small print mentions all the nasty words like toxic, dangerous to wildlife, aquatic life, pets children, adults, vegetation and the environment

I really don't under why these types of biocides are so easy to buy without a care for anything

People are buying it by the case load but no one reads the rear labels
To be fair most of the professional products are the same read all the sheets for Benz stuff , pure seal, Bonnymans they are all the same , the key is in using the correct dilution for the job in hand , and not using theses products near rivers or water ways and using the minimum amount of product to do the job , then thoroughly dilute and run off or waist . Truth be told a lot of there’s so called bio products are worse than hypo with potential damage to plant, and aquatic life , I have a large koi pond with fish a meter long and every year softwash up to the edge of the pond and never have an issue but that’s due to knowing how to use the hypo safely in that environment, many just spray it everywhere and haven’t got a clue , I was talking to a customer the other week who lives right on a river with lots of fish in he he was explaining in great detail how he puts 8 drums of hypo all over his drive then washes it into the drain that goes into the river I asked what dilution rate he used he looked very puzzled and said no I use it neat are you supposed to dilute it !!! This is the type of person who will do huge amounts of damage to the environment by behaving in this manner .
To be fair most of the professional products are the same read all the sheets for Benz stuff , pure seal, Bonnymans they are all the same , the key is in using the correct dilution for the job in hand , and not using theses products near rivers or water ways and using the minimum amount of product to do the job , then thoroughly dilute and run off or waist . Truth be told a lot of there’s so called bio products are worse than hypo with potential damage to plant, and aquatic life , I have a large koi pond with fish a meter long and every year softwash up to the edge of the pond and never have an issue but that’s due to knowing how to use the hypo safely in that environment, many just spray it everywhere and haven’t got a clue , I was talking to a customer the other week who lives right on a river with lots of fish in he he was explaining in great detail how he puts 8 drums of hypo all over his drive then washes it into the drain that goes into the river I asked what dilution rate he used he looked very puzzled and said no I use it neat are you supposed to dilute it !!! This is the type of person who will do huge amounts of damage to the environment by behaving in this manner .
Yes, I'm fully aware of how bad biocides are. It's the diy Sunday Gardiners that need watching. Splish splashing it around like it's water is the worrying part
looking from the suppliers side, the second you buy one of their products, their responsibility stops there.
they will provide the sds if you ask or it may be available online from their website.
you buy the product and you should know how to use it, it really is as simple as that.
sh is a hard surface cleaner and should be used as such with the correct knowledge or, at least common sense you should be fine i guess.
for the record i always use benz, i have used hypo in the past when i have had no benz in stock and it was a small job and not worth ordering even a sample of benz.
you can certainly tell the difference between them both.
If you guys are looking for a Bio friendly chemical to clean UPVC, Rhino Goo has one.
Check out the reviews on Amazon from people who have used it.
Also it is pet friendly and definitely not caustic.
It’s an amazing friendly cleaner.
Rhino Goo, UPVC Cleaner.
If you guys are looking for a Bio friendly chemical to clean UPVC, Rhino Goo has one.
Check out the reviews on Amazon from people who have used it.
Also it is pet friendly and definitely not caustic.
It’s an amazing friendly cleaner.
Rhino Goo, UPVC Cleaner.
Having just looked this up it says it’s a water repellent, so what effect does this have on the glass ? Does it stop the water sheeting when you rinse like hydrophobic glass does ?
Having just looked this up it says it’s a water repellent, so what effect does this have on the glass ? Does it stop the water sheeting when you rinse like hydrophobic glass does ?
No, not at all.
Obviously spray on the product on the frames and give it a good scrub and then rinse off, making sure that all the chemicals suds are all off and job done.
Amazing stuff.
EBay is cheaper than Amazon.
Having just looked this up it says it’s a water repellent, so what effect does this have on the glass ? Does it stop the water sheeting when you rinse like hydrophobic glass does ?
No, not at all, it’s amazing stuff and it don’t make your pole slippery like other products.
Obviously spray on the product on the frames and give it a good scrub and then rinse off, making sure that all the chemicals suds are all off and job done.
Amazing stuff.
EBay is cheaper than Amazon.
I realise this post is getting a bit old now but I've only jusr seen it. I also know full well that this subject has been discussed at length and in detail,
I understand and respect the differing opinion held by different people on here becaise they're people who's opinions I'm interested in and respect in general because they know what they're talking about.

This zubject is sonething I've been thinking about for a while now and syill haven't made up my mind. I'm not saying I'm. right and I'm not looking for a row. I just want to explain my reasoning and see what people think.

This product is just another example of numerous hypo based products being solf specifically as 'patio cleaners.'
I've also seen well established, reputable chenical manufacturers / distributors marketing 15% pure hypo as a patio cleaner..
So these products approved use is as an outdoor hard surface cleaner. The makers say so. They're also not biocides..

So these are perfectly legall products, being legally sold and openly advertised and promoted and so any contractor who uses them exactly as directed and doesn't alter or add anything to it is NOT doing anythging illegal.
YES I know the risks that come with hypo, i.e. killing plabts and vegetation, using PPE etc etc. That's another matter..

Now as we all know, Lightning Cleanze is the only hypo based product approved by the HSE. But when Benz (wjo I've got alot of time for by the way) are talking about Lightning and Bio Cleanze being approved they are using 'approved' in a different context. And lets not forget they are BIOCIDES, not cleaning products.

And another key point is that the use of hypo in itself is not illegal either.
Also, these cleaners are not pesticides and so do not require Safe Use of Pesticides Traing, PA 1 & 6.

Thank you to anyone still reading and I think I've bored you enough already. But the above is a reasonable explanation of my views on the subjecvt and I'm interested what other forum users (the sensible ones) think about it.
I'm not saying it's right but I think it'd a fair point.
Finally, if I've been really thick and completely missed the point somewhere along the line, please feel free to say so.
I realise this post is getting a bit old now but I've only jusr seen it. I also know full well that this subject has been discussed at length and in detail,
I understand and respect the differing opinion held by different people on here becaise they're people who's opinions I'm interested in and respect in general because they know what they're talking about.

This zubject is sonething I've been thinking about for a while now and syill haven't made up my mind. I'm not saying I'm. right and I'm not looking for a row. I just want to explain my reasoning and see what people think.

This product is just another example of numerous hypo based products being solf specifically as 'patio cleaners.'
I've also seen well established, reputable chenical manufacturers / distributors marketing 15% pure hypo as a patio cleaner..
So these products approved use is as an outdoor hard surface cleaner. The makers say so. They're also not biocides..

So these are perfectly legall products, being legally sold and openly advertised and promoted and so any contractor who uses them exactly as directed and doesn't alter or add anything to it is NOT doing anythging illegal.
YES I know the risks that come with hypo, i.e. killing plabts and vegetation, using PPE etc etc. That's another matter..

Now as we all know, Lightning Cleanze is the only hypo based product approved by the HSE. But when Benz (wjo I've got alot of time for by the way) are talking about Lightning and Bio Cleanze being approved they are using 'approved' in a different context. And lets not forget they are BIOCIDES, not cleaning products.

And another key point is that the use of hypo in itself is not illegal either.
Also, these cleaners are not pesticides and so do not require Safe Use of Pesticides Traing, PA 1 & 6.

Thank you to anyone still reading and I think I've bored you enough already. But the above is a reasonable explanation of my views on the subjecvt and I'm interested what other forum users (the sensible ones) think about it.
I'm not saying it's right but I think it'd a fair point.
Finally, if I've been really thick and completely missed the point somewhere along the line, please feel free to say so.
I think your reasoning is sound and agree with it . Just as a side point I was speaking to our local HSE officer a couple of weeks ago and he said that they are still no nearer to bringing in legislation for the use of sodium hypochlorite based products and he felt it was unlikely to happen in the near future ,if ever . I think this subject has been discussed many times and it’s a very emotive and seams to bring out the worst in people for some reason , like a lot of things if miss used it can cause damage a little knowledge is dangerous only a few weeks ago I was talking to a customer he was telling me he used neat hypo to clean his drive I asked why he used neat he said it works well and brings the block paving up like new He lives within a few yards of a river and ime sure it must run off into it at some point , I explained to him it would do the same job if diluted 4-1 he didn’t seam that bothered as he said it’s cheap two drums do his driveway and that cost around £48 if he had someone in to professionally clean it it would be around £450 -550 and would look no better , unfortunately what he’s saying is true so from his point of view he’s unlikely to change his attitude, this is how many view this . Hopefully those of us that use hypo do so in a responsible manner some jobs it’s not suitable for due to water courses etc but ware it can be used safety a very good product to clean a number of surfaces , I think it’s use will only increase as time goes by as well .
not that long ago i was chatting to a woman whose hubby had died after exposure to chems. in small amounts by just a few drops each week.She has a big house with conserv it got me thinking he should have been in it i wondered was he a nice guy or would he have been a sour sod who would bargain me down on that filthy con roof
I think your reasoning is sound and agree with it . Just as a side point I was speaking to our local HSE officer a couple of weeks ago and he said that they are still no nearer to bringing in legislation for the use of sodium hypochlorite based products and he felt it was unlikely to happen in the near future ,if ever . I think this subject has been discussed many times and it’s a very emotive and seams to bring out the worst in people for some reason , like a lot of things if miss used it can cause damage a little knowledge is dangerous only a few weeks ago I was talking to a customer he was telling me he used neat hypo to clean his drive I asked why he used neat he said it works well and brings the block paving up like new He lives within a few yards of a river and ime sure it must run off into it at some point , I explained to him it would do the same job if diluted 4-1 he didn’t seam that bothered as he said it’s cheap two drums do his driveway and that cost around £48 if he had someone in to professionally clean it it would be around £450 -550 and would look no better , unfortunately what he’s saying is true so from his point of view he’s unlikely to change his attitude, this is how many view this . Hopefully those of us that use hypo do so in a responsible manner some jobs it’s not suitable for due to water courses etc but ware it can be used safety a very good product to clean a number of surfaces , I think it’s use will only increase as time goes by as well .
Unfortunately Paul there are plenty of idiots about who have no idea
not that long ago i was chatting to a woman whose hubby had died after exposure to chems. in small amounts by just a few drops each week.She has a big house with conserv it got me thinking he should have been in it i wondered was he a nice guy or would he have been a sour sod who would bargain me down on that filthy con roof
What has this got to do with anything?
Why always chatting 💩?
I think your reasoning is sound and agree with it . Just as a side point I was speaking to our local HSE officer a couple of weeks ago and he said that they are still no nearer to bringing in legislation for the use of sodium hypochlorite based products and he felt it was unlikely to happen in the near future ,if ever . I think this subject has been discussed many times and it’s a very emotive and seams to bring out the worst in people for some reason , like a lot of things if miss used it can cause damage a little knowledge is dangerous only a few weeks ago I was talking to a customer he was telling me he used neat hypo to clean his drive I asked why he used neat he said it works well and brings the block paving up like new He lives within a few yards of a river and ime sure it must run off into it at some point , I explained to him it would do the same job if diluted 4-1 he didn’t seam that bothered as he said it’s cheap two drums do his driveway and that cost around £48 if he had someone in to professionally clean it it would be around £450 -550 and would look no better , unfortunately what he’s saying is true so from his point of view he’s unlikely to change his attitude, this is how many view this . Hopefully those of us that use hypo do so in a responsible manner some jobs it’s not suitable for due to water courses etc but ware it can be used safety a very good product to clean a number of surfaces , I think it’s use will only increase as time goes by as well .
Yeah I think you're right Paul - sooner or later the hypo secret will be out and known amongst the general public.
Fortunately it's still our wonder weapon at the moment.
not that long ago i was chatting to a woman whose hubby had died after exposure to chems. in small amounts by just a few drops each week.She has a big house with conserv it got me thinking he should have been in it i wondered was he a nice guy or would he have been a sour sod who would bargain me down on that filthy con roofver
I'm sorry, I don't want to have a go but that is so vague and so devoid of anything factual how is it supposed to be taken as credible?
What chems? What amount over what period of time? What did he actually die of and what proof of a direct link causing death?

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