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help with my ro system please


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would it be okay to have a ro system inside my laundry room near my washing rooms etc...

I will havea 350ltr tank to produce the pure water into

then put it in from the 350ltr tank into my 25ltr contaienrs....

would it make a big mess ? or would it be fine ?

i got a tap right outside my laundry room... so just got to put the hose pipe through my window...

but i got no hosepipe for the red pipe ( waste water )

someone help me please

We all probably are in need of a little more info as your laundry and washing rooms could mean all sorts of differant things. You will need to get the waste water into a drain or some way of getting rid/using. Be aware that if you produce 350 ltr of pure water you will probably also produce something in the region of 900 - 1000 ltrs of waste water! I stand to be corrected but I believe that to be the case.

Transferring to 25 ltr containers sounds a real pain in the backside. There will be guys on here doing that already so I bow top their greater experience and wait their response.

yeah underneath my tap theirs adrain... and the tap is right otuside my laundry room /emoticons/smile.png so ill be fine for waste water /emoticons/tongue.png i never noticed their was a drain but just checked it out so thats great for me /emoticons/smile.png

just put the red waste pipe into the hockey stick were the washer waste goes out off also if youve got plumbing on the inside of that room why not just T off the existing pipe work rather than putting a hose threw the window itl be better for the winter aswell

Why do you want to have a trolley system and not a van system? If memory serves me right you are buying a van?

I had a trolley system before but now have a van system and find things much easier and quicker. If you've got the capital to invest, a van system would give you much more capability.

van system is to much for me ... also i prefer trolley /emoticons/biggrin.png lol

and jambo113 thats a great idea ! i have msged u for info please reply back mate
