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I do love a chilliGrew the 2 hottest in the world this year in my polytunnel

Dorset naga (ghost chilli) and alabama reaper

I do love cheese on toast with chopped scotch bonnets on it
Sounds like a ring stinger :confused:

It was funny the other week at my mates house

We were all ****** and my mate wez who is 6 ft 7 bet i couldn't eat a raw scotch bonnet

I bit half of it including seeds and chewed and swallowed while still casually talking

So then he thought he would try

3 hours and several drinks later he still was speaking likenhe just got out the dentist and pouring with sweat

So funny

My son is immune just like me

Saying that i just had a lamb danshak extra hot plus green chillis and i can't stop sweating..lol

I could never eat a Vindaloo as a younger lad but one day (rat arsed) i was dared to eat Ghost Chillis, me being a total idiot grabbed a handful and threw a load in my mouth ............ christ on a bike it nearly killed me, it didnt help when i started rubbing my eyes with the hand that moments before was clutching a fist full of the buggers.

needless to say, after a few uncomfortable hours i became my usual self again, but completely sobered up. Now i can eat Vindaloos no problem, they are as weak as a Korma lol.

:DWelcome jock lad

I agree i look at the job and think how long it will take ..then add a little bit..then add a little bit more

Once an asian man came up to me while I was cleaning the front of a house, he said come clean my windows, so I said yeh that will be five pounds, just wanted the fronts done so ok.. cleaned his windows, went back to the car for a second and saw him driving off. The F*c*ng **** never returned to pay, even though I knock on his door monthly when I'm near the house. Its sad what people do for a fiver. All that effort..

I would have put a brick through his window mate
If this happened in the netherlands I wouldve made an appointment at the dentist for him already, but I stay calm in this beautiful country, dont wanne get kicked out /emoticons/smile.png

Went to a house today that I had bought as part of a round, tut tut. It was classed as £15 of work, a well to do lady was there, I said I was her new window cleaner, I said I would get to work, but then thought I'd better look around, my goodness, all sash style windows, loads of them, some had a single sheet of glass covering them and I thought thats good, but on looking round there was a lot, I tallied it up and thought £60 initially, knocked on door and said that |I couldnt do it for £15, quoted £30 as a trial, but would see how long it would take me, eyes cast to the sky, she said she would have a think, got home,phone rings, " I will try some one local, but I will keep your card" Im not local to area, but I dont charge anymore than I would locally, I base my work on £20 an hour, so we are not talking big dosh for own business. I paid £45, three times the cost of a clean-mug for this. You live and learn:gush: If she phones back, the price will be ehhmm £45.

I won't work for less than 25 an hour no matter what a custy says

That's why i don't buy work

I won't work for less than 25 an hour no matter what a custy saysThat's why i don't buy work
Your very experienced, im not, but am now, aint buying no more, got too much work just now, but Ive managed to put most of the houses I bought up by about 25-30%, so overall its goodish, prices were about 10 years old. My dad said his window cleaner has put up the price 50p, now he is paying £5.50 for a 3 bed council house, I just shake my head, they dont clean sills:eek: quite right too

:DIt's ok..mr tay has his own windie for his house...how's that for not taking your work home with you

Cheers lads been busy with work lol

Am from Glasgow been trad cleaning for 33 years looking to move over to wfp in the very near future


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