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Hindsight - LPG Hot Water - Controversial.


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Regarding the comment about disease in warm water, think this would be a problem if the water was never changed,but we use the water on a daily basis.

Problem might occur if you dont use all the water n disease(legionaires) is growing in the warm conditions.

I think you caould fit a UV light that kills disease.

I have the 2kw fitted,so interested in thoughts on this matter. 

Legionella generally only grows in stagnant non moving water , ionic systems started a scaremongering campaign years ago saying you need to have your system serviced once a year by them to prevent it , as far as Ime aware there have never been any cases of legionella involving window cleaners tanks ?.. but you are right it’s good to be aware if this , I cannot remember off the top of my head all the criteria needed but the water needs to be between a certain temperature and generaly polluted water not pure , if you are worried then just put a  bleach solution in the tank slosh it about leave it for a couple of hours flush it out and this will kill 99.9 % of all bacteria 

The problem with electricity is that it will keep going up in price unless the Gov caps it. You might not believe this but most of the leaky companies are heading for bankruptcy because of solar panels. I pay £45 a month on energy but get back £1500 as a solar panel feed in tariff. Electricity companies have only two choices if they want to stay afloat. One is to raise prices each year but I think the UK Gov has frozen that idea. The other choice they have is to close Headquarters and pay off thousands of office workers which was the choice of NPower recently. The UK Car Industry is in exactly the same situation, electric cars are killing them. How do you service an electric car? You don't, all you do is change the tyres, so the head of Audi told me. See the nuggets of information one picks up when cleaning a customer's windows, that's what I like about this job.
All fuels will go up in price over time. I reckon on £5 to heat my tank ready for a day's work. The cost of the heating system was less than £100. No servicing no fumes. It'll do me. ?

do what you want......its your van  and livelihood that your potentially putting in jeopardy.......personally i think your foolish...take it out now would be my advice....THEY ARE NOT SAFE!plus you WONT be insured if you do start a fire or theres an explosion....

i talk from experience......i was once like you......then i had a gas leak and BOOM! a loud bang and flash of fire and burned the bottom of the heater...luckily thats all the damage i did....i took it out and threw in on the tip the next day....

every gas engineer i ever met said take it out and stop using it.......that should of been enough for me but i ignored their advice....
The troops are right here stay safe and insured


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