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Hitting targets every day?


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My mum rolled her eyes & sighed when I told her I’m going to do window cleaning for myself hahaha, bless her. 

So so glad I did, just wish I did it at 18 back in 2008 when someone causally said ‘you should try Window cleaning’ oh well. I could be full with a 3 day a week employee & my dream van. Oh well. 

Really? Or is this what you mean when you say you ain't good with banter? How old are you @spruce
My maths has always been ? I  would blame it on the beers I've had today do but they have been few and only 5% at most, it's the Irish whiskey, whiskey and ginger actually, |I really am getting old before my time ? ?

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Regarding hitting targets, I had to change my view a bit. At first I was disappointed when I didn't hit my average every day. But then it occurred to me, the average is just that, average.

If you split your monthly income and figure out you make 200 on average, that means some days you might make 100, others 300. Don't let the lower income days keep you down, but work steadily and focus on completing your work on time.

Nah it's not that, I always had @spruce down as a wise old owl but not 67. Maybe 55 or something.
He revealed his age a while ago so I knew and remembered, just the bad maths on my part with a quick response, but before that I guessed he must have been somewhere near 60 years old down to things he had mentioned previously over time  

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My mum rolled her eyes & sighed when I told her I’m going to do window cleaning for myself hahaha, bless her. 

So so glad I did, just wish I did it at 18 back in 2008 when someone causally said ‘you should try Window cleaning’ oh well. I could be full with a 3 day a week employee & my dream van. Oh well. 
I was talked out of this in 2014. I was working for Fast Hosts and really not enjoying it. I spoke to my uncle and told him what I planned to do. He told me not to be daft, anyone can go off and be a window cleaner, all you need is a ladder and a bucket. He gave me a job on a fixed 12 month contract. I managed his profit and loss and did some selling along with some web development... Musn't forget the occasional bit of manual work. At the end of it I went to work for Brighthouse and made good money but I always had window cleaning in the back of my mind.

A few months after I started he did some work for a window cleaner, the guy worked 8-1 most days and was minted. I have always looked up to him which is why I listened in the first place but his opinion of window cleaning is much different now!

Nah it's not that, I always had @spruce down as a wise old owl but not 67. Maybe 55 or something.

From personal experience I can confirm what my Dad said to me 50 years plus ago was right. Time does go by so fast and the older you get, the faster it goes.  I just can't believe I've reached this age because the last 30 years have just been a blur. I look at how fast our customer's children are growing up and, looking at them, I'm staring my mortality in the face. I've even asked them to stop growing, but they don't listen to me. ? Our own children are middle aged. It doesn't seem that long ago when it was my son's first day at school.

For me I considered window cleaning when I first came to the UK 25 years ago. I wish I had focused and started window cleaning then. Our early window cleaning days 15 years ago was all ladder work so maybe I wouldn't be alive today had I started 25 years back. Who knows?

As time goes on I realise that the older I get, the better I was. And this is the truth.

I've ran a very big family business that turned over £7m in the 80's. I've been self employed in the Scrap business since 1999 and was earning £50k a year 10 years ago. All I will say is I wish I knew window-cleaning was as good as it is. I live in a saturated area, cleaner wise, and can make £20 an hour. Would think the vast majority on here can double that without much trouble. The earning capability and flexibility makes this job as good as any, and compared to other jobs is virtually stress free 

Its  good to have targets as it gives you something to aim for. The amount you set your target at is completely up to you depending on your individual circumstance and everyone’s will be different. 

I can relate to what you are saying @JOE40

I can do a decent amount a day but I just don't have the drive to do it everyday. To be honest it bores me to tears at times and by Wednesday I'm ready for a day off. 

I only work 9-3 and rarely work Fridays and I always beat myself up because if I could find the energy and motivation to work till 4/5 o clock everyday 5 days a week I know I could do £1500 quid a week or more.

I'm 4 years in now and pretty full up, it used to be fun first couple of years growing of the round etc. I enjoyed this job the most when I was working 3 days a week. Once you get close to being full it just becomes a weight on your shoulders...just another day got to get up and go to work. 

I haven't been arsed for a while now and you know what money is a poor motivator, it's true what they say money can't buy happiness...if I graft hard and earn over a grand a week I won't feel any better than earning say 600 and having the extra time off. In fact I feel worse, run down, bored, stressed and lacking in drive.

I enjoy window cleaning, but in moderation..once it becomes a chore it's just another job.

The other thing is tax, earn 60k and cry as you hand over a fat amount to the tax man and in running costs...really sometimes I wonder what's the point, I remember being on the dole many years ago for about 8 months...at the time and didn't enjoy it as I felt like a loser but looking back I had all my bills covered and time to kill to ride my bike or go fishing etc whenever I wanted (I didn't do those things due to feeling guilty) 

You gotta work out what's important in life...chasing money is a mugs game, it'll never get you what you want which is fulfillment.

Me personally, I'm building the round to get a full time employee onboard then I can go back to my 2-3 days a week with plenty of time off lifestyle.

Of you can do 250 a day and pay someone 100 a day to do it (Inc all running costs) that's 750 a week profit off of them and then do a couple of 250 days yourself and just enjoy your life...

I think you have to remember to work smarter not harder..so instead of trying to graft harder think how can I make this into a business that actually serves me instead of me serving it.

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Everyone is different, I like to smash the work out then have time off when I want. Others will do part time hours as it’s all they need.

If you’re not happy with your work routine, play around with it and change it, till it suits you. There are no rules.
