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How much water does it take to make pure?


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DUNCS AND PTWC - Thank you. I have been stressing so much this week over it, listenign to people too much and should only listen to people on here really. I am over thinking it all and worrying I fail a custy by not doing a window or not doign it well if I trad pole it. I just want to do it all good for them. But yeah I can say that window is not going to be done its dangerous, or say I can clean it but it may not be perfect as I will trad pole it, its in a awkward position. I do have a new custy whom actually said i have four windows at back and 2 are hard to get two so might only be 2, so they were happy to tell me that. I said if its two Ill knock a pound off. But I can try it pole wise. Thanks guys, you have settled me down.

I have just tried so hard this week, flyers out legs killing me and flyers in chippys, shops etc and got nout, probably why I am questioning myself. CHIN UP as they say /emoticons/smile.png

Just my opinion but I think every window cleaner should be able to trad to a good standard. Not being able to trad to me is like a plumber thats not able to solder copper pipe, as he can only use pushfit. :thumbsdown:
Could not agree more.

Learn to Trad.

Learn to Trad well.

Learn to Trad very well.

Then give in and get WFP

"Then give in and get WFP" yer having a laugh /emoticons/biggrin.png

Could not agree more.Learn to Trad.

Learn to Trad well.

Learn to Trad very well.

Then give in and get WFP
why did give me a disagree red x mark smurf?

not called for. /emoticons/sad.png

btw, i do both Trad and WFP:cool:

why did give me a disagree red x mark smurf?not called for. /emoticons/sad.png

btw, i do both Trad and WFP:cool:
I've got 4 red marks against my name and 2 were for spelling :laugh: like how many spelling mistakes do you see on here :rofl:. I personally don't agree with the disagree function :thumbsdown: makes for bad karma I think.

I've got 4 red marks against my name and 2 were for spelling :laugh: like how many spelling mistakes do you see on here :rofl:. I personally don't agree with the disagree function :thumbsdown: makes for bad karma I think.
Agreed. At 7 I'm the most hated member on here./emoticons/biggrin.png

one thing you do need to be a windy on your own scottie....is to make decisions....funny enough i was just thinking that today..how half my decisions are er...borderline at times...but once i say i will do something....i will do it...fullstop ...right or wrong....yes it was my fault today not looking if they had an outside tap before i got there and suppose it was my fault overdressing and not believing the weather man....but some you win some you lose you just gotta keep going....:itwasntme:

ahhh i loves ya tolish and tuffers...:grouphug:

Hello Guys,
WFP or TRAD - how much more is it to clean windows, is WFP that much more expensive? I am just looking into it all and I like WFP idea but it seems to me its going to cost some serious money and ongoing.

Resin, filters, water bills, wow they will go sky high, equipment lists. With trad none of this and how many more windows do WFP cleaners do? I actually spoke to someone about 2 hours ago and he said he does 14 houses a day, he took some years to build up, he wants more custys but finding is slow and takes time, so a trad guy can do that many a day, well not me I am new and not good enough yet. But alot of guys on here can. So is the WFP of benefit then, only until you can get x amount more customers, as the trad guy spent fok all to clean, where as WFP guy, spent money making pure, resin, water bills etc.

Just stuck as I like the WFP route as safer yes, but I dont have an issue doing trad, only issue is the awkward windows, thats the bummer as sloping garages, how do you do them, I dont want to walk on them cause damage to myself of the property and insurance would not pay out.

So yeah, just a good look in to them both I have been doing and its pointing me to trad.

I wanted to ask how much water do you use to make say 75l of pure? I no ther eis some waste. I dont want my water bill to shoot up as I see they is like 70/30 split on decent RO units, lots of waste.

My conclusions are at present for a newbie, it has to be trad, or can I use WFP? I just need some advce form you guys as to how much costs will be and water useage. I would only use WFP tops and trad bottom.

I feel I will end up going trad as I will save money and I do not have mnay customers yet, plus nice views form the ladders lol.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Hi Scottie

You have answered your own questions; wfp in comparison to the trad method, will cost more in time and maintenance, as well as more money in setting up and operating the business.

You could think more about the customer base you are after, this will help you decide on which equipment you need, as then you start to look at the buildings and there windows you will be cleaning. Don’t approach your future window cleaning round thinking you can clean everything, even if you can service some types of buildings/properties; it probably isn’t worth doing, and like wise some building you wont be able to do with your set up.

If you wanted a customer base of residential bungalows – what equipment do you need? Or if you wanted a customer base of ground floor and first floor building on industrial sites – what equipment do you need?

Hi Richard, goo points mate, somthing I was thinking about.

I think the reason I was thinking about water fed pole is for 2 reasons. 1) everyone seems to be nervous to use ladders and say go wfp or can not trad window clean and I listened. 2) I look at the houses when flyering and find myself missing so many as the windows are really awkward to get to, like above garages with sloping roofs and no way am I going to climb them its going to poss damage there roof or I fall and insurance does not cover that. So I thougth ah if i had the WFP I could do that and any house then becomes possible.

But yes, I can target the houses I want and if I geta call and the house has a window thats not possible to do I can say "hey I can not get to that its dangous on ladders I will have to leave it, or I can trad pole it but it may not come up as good as the rest but I can try" I do not no why I did not think of that, panic i think as we used to have our front only done as had a conservatory hey could nto do the backs, so that anaswers the question lol.

I am focused now on ladders as its the easy way and cheap and less working of business practice ie I dont have to spend hours making pure all the time and the equipment and costs. But if if in the future I have room to make the business bigger and do more houses then it could be of benefit, but then I question that as how many more houses can you do than a trad man? that would warrent all the extra work making pure and costs, each time you buy resin etc costs loads that wipes out a number of cleans done prob 4 cleans.

Anyway, listened to the great comments on here and eeryone has been great with there advice, its put me on track and I guess I was just panicing a little as would get to the house and be like oh I can not do that window, i would feel bad.

Thanks everyone, really appriciate your time on this and its been a good chat.

One last question just out of interest to the WFP guys? Does your body ache? doing the pole work all day, it must kill or are those top poles really good and light. I just imagine even with a great technique it must be demanding.

Cheers /emoticons/smile.png feeling happier now and focused on moving forward!

Because I disagreed with what you said /emoticons/biggrin.png

Anyhow I've now taken it off as don't want to make you feel bad./emoticons/wink.png

why did give me a disagree red x mark smurf?not called for. /emoticons/sad.png

btw, i do both Trad and WFP:cool:
I started trad but soon I wanted to go for wfp system however I realised that my van was to small.For wfp is fine but I do other things.I got big painting job so I am alright for 8 months or so.Start trad but when you buy van, buy big.While building your round buy the best equipment you can piece by piece and be patient with only trad.once you complete wfp equipment you can advertise that having trad customer base to pay for bills.that is my opinion.

one point with trad when your finished the house you can check your work then move on to next house knowing job is perfect

with WFP you have to have the confidence that the job is perfect when leaving , the job is,int complete when you leave the windows dripping wet you have to wait for the magic to start when your long gone

I started trad but soon I wanted to go for wfp system however I realised that my van was to small.For wfp is fine but I do other things.I got big painting job so I am alright for 8 months or so.Start trad but when you buy van, buy big.While building your round buy the best equipment you can piece by piece and be patient with only trad.once you complete wfp equipment you can advertise that having trad customer base to pay for bills.that is my opinion.
Thats a hell of a big job to last 8 months mate.

And landings to do and metal fence outside, a bit boring working alone but if wether is bad it keeps me busy in.win win

In fact 1 staircase left,1 completed last week.
Nice little earner that. :thumbsup: I'm painting a 5bed house at the moment, averaging a room every two days. I like painting when the weather gets nasty.

Money is ok could be better I think but I do not need to drive to many places and it keeps me busy when bad wether.5 bed house, cam You do it whenever You want?
