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Hypo run-off/waste


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South Wales
Hi Forum,
Quick question about how you guys deal with run-off/waste.
I’ve done a few jobs after thoroughly educating myself as best as I can.
I researched that hypo can run-off so long as proper steps taken. Thorough pre-soaking and equally as thorough post-rinse dilution soaking.
I was just wondering after my last job, if this is the best way.
How do you guys deal with run-off/waste?
Pre-soak and flood the area after. I always advise clients that there might be some die-back of grass at the edges just to cover myself but so far it hasn’t happened.
Soaking before, during and after and perhaps even a tarpaulin too for added protection - but still the soaking as well.
On occasion if run-off is a particular concern or there are other delicate areas nearby I want to avoid like lead then I might apply the hypo with a brush or roller to minimise the amount I use and avoid risks of spraying. Then when it's rinsed it's so diluted there's nothing to worry about.