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I Am Such A Idiot, Dont Laught....:)


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So I installed my wfp system into the van at the beginning of the week and had a old car battery sitting in the house for months, so i charged it for a hour and feeling very proud of myself I connected it up to the digital controller.


so I thought ohh well its the battery, I know its buggered so I went on ebay and bought a new one.

But being impatience I decided to charge the stuffed battery all night and before going to work this morning I connected the 2 wires to the battery and .... Nothing.... no lights or movement from the pump or controller...

So I thought well... what if I push the button on the controller... and IT WORKS... Somewhere they could have at least told me on the instructions that the button that looked like the enter button was actually the bloody ON SWITCH....

so after laughing at myself I an now very chuffed and feel a bit stupid but wiser.

have a fun day....

LOL at least it wasn't anything bad! We all do these silly little things. At times I get to a job pull hose out put pole up turn tap on an nothing, then I realize that I didn't turn it on! So it's just one of those things!

I did something similar. I had it all wired it up but it wouldnt come on so I though. I must have to wres wrong way round. so re-wired them. Bang! Fuse blows right next to me. What a fright I got.

Looking good but would turn the pump the other way up so if it leaks at the connections it don't go into the electrics of the motor

I laughed before I opene the thread as you wrote "laught"... made me chuckle.

But yeah I've done similar things where just bought stuff cause I guessed that was the cause.
