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Is 70years old , too old.


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Turned 60 the other week.
39 years on the glass and 36 years self employed.

I work 6 mornings a week.
Weather permitting.

Leave the house around 8.45 am and miss the worse of the rush hour traffic and aim to be home around 1.30 pm each day.
Mostly Trad which i prefer but have van with WFP and each week changes with booked in jobs and a few days regular weekly and monthly jobs.
Saturday mornings are easier for city centre jobs for parking and i work the odd sunday morning.
Some customers i have i have known for over 30 years and now clean their childrens houses and in some cases their grandchildren.
Did my dinger in when younger and chased the pound and still remember the 12 hour shifts every friday with going collecting in the evenings.

My biggest fear is having to give it up and spend restless nights trying to get to sleep thinking what the hell i am going to do with myself the next day.
Keeps me fit and with walking my dogs a good way to keep active in mind and body and a good way to avoid the wife and probably the secret for a long and happy marriage.

Age is just a number a long as my knees hold out.