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Ladder Safety


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of course life's safety is more important than saving few pounds, it is not a question, but why not using something proved to be safe(as John B said) that could save money.
its al about covering your ****, in short:-

you have ur diy mits on, your ladder slips and you end up in a wheelchair, you try and claim off ur insurance, you wont get a penny dur to the fact you are not using the proper equipment. so you loose everything because you wasnt using the correct stuff!

Insurance companies will wangle their way out of a claim whatever you're using if they can find a way, it's the nature of the beast!

bought my ladder mitts from midland ladders, £14.00 i think. also bought my ladders from them,they came with free rubber safety feet,have to say in tandem,they seem to work a treat in most conditions. oh, by the way, i'm new here,so hello everyone, i hope you're all fine the evening.

bought my ladder mitts from midland ladders, £14.00 i think. also bought my ladders from them,they came with free rubber safety feet,have to say in tandem,they seem to work a treat in most conditions. oh, by the way, i'm new here,so hello everyone, i hope you're all fine the evening.
Welcome mate.
Insurance companies will wangle their way out of a claim whatever you're using if they can find a way, it's the nature of the beast!
yer thats ture, so thats why its best not to give them a reason to try to get out of it by doing everything you can to be safe etc.

bought my ladder mitts from midland ladders, £14.00 i think. also bought my ladders from them,they came with free rubber safety feet,have to say in tandem,they seem to work a treat in most conditions. oh, by the way, i'm new here,so hello everyone, i hope you're all fine the evening.
welcome to the forum!

All these comments about insurance not paying out if you have an accident - Does anyone actually have personal accident insurance that covers them for window cleaning? If so, how much etc etc?

Personally speaking, I have public liability, but no personal accident. It would serve no purpose because the state would take, penny for penny, any insurance income off any income support I may be eligible for. ie £150/week insurance income. Eligible for £100/week income support. You will lose the income support and be only £50/week better off. The income support is potentially free, paid by national insurance contributions. Figures I've used are just examples

there is a small amount included in the insurance i have, but its nothing great. there was a topic on this a while ago on here, for our type of work its not really worth it, unless you are on roofs or any other areas of danger all the time.

I have one quit similar to the one shown on your video link. It is a very big help for me since I usually do most of my handy work jobs on the roof and in the wall of my home...
How do you attach the screw eye to the wall?

Is this bit of kit needed as well as the first mat which the first poster mentioned?
yes and no really, this is one of the top ended ones that people can use, there are cheaper ones out there that you can use and just as safe.

there are lots of diffrent safety items that you can use out there just got to find one that you can get on with.

How do you attach the screw eye to the wall?
these have to be drilled into the wall. these are mainly used for commercial work as domestic customers wont really like you going round drilling there walls

For roof line work (gutter clearing etc) working on my own the best combo system I've found is using an ankalad & microlite.


Info about ankalad can be found here http://www.laddersafetysupplies.co.uk/stabiliser.shtml



Guess the safest system available is eye bolt/ladder straps to secure the ladder then use a ladder fall arrest system but how many in the real world actually use that kit?

Guess the safest system available is eye bolt/ladder straps to secure the ladder then use a ladder fall arrest system. How many in the real world actually use that kit?
The people that I see that use this system all the time is the guys that change the pictures on those big bill boards. If you look at the towards the bottom of them you should see the loops to hook the straps to.
