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Leisure Battery Split Charge Relay


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Ok so will soon be starting to set up my system. Am looking to fit split charge relay for battery, anyone know much about these? The durite 'intelligent' relay keeps popping up when i look on ebay for around £30-£40, seems you dont need to wire up to alternator just straight to your main battery. However can pick up a cheaper one for about a tenner that you rig up to the alternator. Is there any other advantage to these 'intelligant' relays or is it just for the ease of installing? Because if thats all it is will save my money and buy a cheaper one.

i had a split relay fitted and all it did was keep blowing fuses, and then blowing relays, i since just wired battery pos to pos and neg to part of van, and had no problems


+1. .... Used to use this bk when I was gangster and pushing 1000's of watss of BASE lol

Cleaning spot do one for £20 installed it in the van. Works great and you get extra connections.
