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looking for a smoother fine weave micro fibre


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My marine drying towel arrived today. First impressions are good. It seems really really soft. Its a bit thicker than a regular fineweave or the fishscale cloth. Its also heavier.....noticably so. I will use it over the next few days and report back

oh god, leadeds i used to do them....my arms are aching thinking about them....and you use the same method as me...i thought it was a secret....still got a few but they are the worst...squares next.....although of course me dont mind at all if they are inside a double glazed unit....and the rough type dont half wear your cloths.....

Yeah I've used the same one now for about 6 months. I use it take it in rinse it out dry it & use it next day. Great cloth the fishscale

yeh i dont know what fishscale was so i googled it... Very high-quality cocaine, usually right off the key and uncut. Doesn't look like regular coke---it's flaky instead of grainy, it's sparkly instead... er i gonna tell gav...

I still havent made my mind up about this marine drying cloth I recently purchased. Its not like a regular fineweave micro......its very spongy. The jury is out when it comes to detailing. It is, however, ideal for those small french windows that are too small or fiddly for squeegees. I use it for the initial mop up of the panes as it is super absorbant.

I still havent made my mind up about this marine drying cloth I recently purchased. Its not like a regular fineweave micro......its very spongy. The jury is out when it comes to detailing. It is, however, ideal for those small french windows that are too small or fiddly for squeegees. I use it for the initial mop up of the panes as it is super absorbant.
I bought one of these and I am the same , I'm in 2 minds about them, thing I don't like is how thick they are

They are very thick and heavy for a cloth. How have you found It for detailing?
First couple of days it was good but after washing it didn't seem to be as good, great for leaded windows low. I doubt I'll buy any more

First couple of days it was good but after washing it didn't seem to be as good, great for leaded windows low. I doubt I'll buy any more
try different type of wash @Murphy

if ya washed with washing powder/liquid try washing without might help ya

try different type of wash @Murphyif ya washed with washing powder/liquid try washing without might help ya
I always wash me cloths in plain water and leave them to dry on a cloths horse , never had a problem in 10 years by doing it this way. May be they just need a bit of wearing in

yeah me too found it the best way

but i dont use micro for detailing just scrim

use micro for small leads and buff with scrim

This is a weird kind of micro though norm......much thicker and spongier. I have been rushing like mad of late, so will experiment with this cloth on my own windows, when I have a bit more time to stand back and see how it performs.

Murphy....I havent tried it on leadeds yet, but can imagine it works a treat. It certainly did on french windows.

I do loads of lead, Mop on but not too wet! Red rubber in my channel to squeegee, now dive bombing works very well!! I will do all the panes in a frame letting the excess dry a little. Now the cloths the best by far is the Large Unger Ninja cloth first to take of the excess and dry the glass, after this I buff with an old Scrim been washed a good dozen time, do not buff left to right - buff in the direction of the lead. I like lead, I really really do...

Same here james, I have loads of leadeds as well. I tried this marine drying cloth on a few yesterday and, I must say, it was fantastic.....definitely better than the big fine weaves I normally use. I used it for the initial mop up then buffed up with a fineweave. In the winter i use the same practice as you when doing leaded windows. However, once temperatures start to rise I simply wash the window, mop up with one cloth and then buff with another. No squeegee required.

Most impressed with this cloth for leaded windows and french window panes.

I've now started doing my lead that way. Clean & squeegee as if a normal window & buff with a well worn scrim. Come out brilliant.

yeh me not so keen on the leads as you do have to put the effort in....normally a quick scrim job but now thanks to the storm damage i have to do the same as above..can be a pain when the temperature rises though..hopefully will have got rid of the storm stuff by then....yes sometimes i will spray them..

oh now you have reminded me just entering my leaded area....oh my poor arms...


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