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Looking for a water fed brush kit


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Can anyone give me details for a reasonably priced water fed window cleaning brush etc that I can buy to do my own windows as I have a lot and its getting expensive. Doesn’t need to be amazing just good enough to get the job done once a month.
also will it operate effectively from an outside tap?

Can anyone give me details for a reasonably priced water fed window cleaning brush etc that I can buy to do my own windows as I have a lot and its getting expensive. Doesn’t need to be amazing just good enough to get the job done once a month.
also will it operate effectively from an outside tap?
You’ll need find out your water TDS 

Total dissolved solids

May need DI /RO system,

I would just pay the local window cleaner it’ll work out cheaper 

As @Wind o kleen said, get a local window cleaner - it'll be a lot cheaper and will save you having to learn from scratch how to clean them yourself. It's not as simple as just brushing them with a WFP.

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The system itself are great, unfortunately like others have said you need to have pure water, which is a costly setup to produce your own. 

So many people belive that we just use tap water and that's that... Barring the lazy scrotty splash and dash idiots that try to rip people off by using tap water.. We all do it properly with zero parts per million pure water. 

Even to buy in bulk it would cost you around 5p per litre and the cheapest wfp setup your gonna find would be at least a couple of hundred quid. 

Trust everyone on here and just get someone in to do them. 

Would be like buying a garage full of equipment just to service your car. 

Can anyone give me details for a reasonably priced water fed window cleaning brush etc that I can buy to do my own windows as I have a lot and its getting expensive. Doesn’t need to be amazing just good enough to get the job done once a month.
also will it operate effectively from an outside tap?
The cheapest way to do them would be to connect a DI to your outside tap and connect a WFP directly to it. You will still need to buy a TDS meter and will probably cost you around £300, this is based on you only needing an 18' pole.

When you say its getting expensive, what size house and how much are you getting charged. 

Thanks for the replies. Looks like there’s a lot more to it than I thought. 
It’s a 4 bed detached with 13 windows and glazed front door, paying £30 a time at the minute 


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