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what ive learnt with wfp is its not always that great, sometimes you can fly thru a house like that and it will be perfect, other times you really take your time and get a run. I dont agree to go that fast, but i think you should go as fast as you can WITHOUT compromising the quality, there has to be an balance between doing a good job and taking too long.

I take too long atm because its very important to me not to lose a custie as im starting out, what im saying is if you have a full round and work coming out of your ears you can afford to be a bit more slap dash and not worry if you losr the odd one, thats just my opinion though i want to eventually earn as much as possible with the least effort possible.

just any job thats done shud be done to best of abilty if they paying £1 or £1000
Not so sure about that mate. I work to the price I am charging. If I am getting the price I want for a job (i.e. its priced well) then I work to the best of my ability, because I have quoted that into my price. But if I have been pressured into a cheap quote, then I work to the lower price by cutting the odd corner. Its a bit like someone buying a car - if they pay for an Aston, they get a high quality product, but if they pay for a Daewoo..

Also from what I gather that house would have been priced at about £7/£8 so that's another reason why he was working fast.

He worked in an area about 30 mins from me, where trad guys will clean that whole house for £4/£5.

Paul said he only occasionally got complaints while he worked this fast.


My point was that if someone is paying £7 for a 4 bedroom detached house then they aremt going to mind if there is a bit of spotting in a corner. If they were paying £20 then they may be more picky.
Also You definitely don't use 2.5 lpm.

More like just over one litre per minute at those figures.

Even using a 5lpm pump running flat out you will only get 3lpm at the brush head at the most. Probably less.
I don't care what the prices are

He is charging more than the trad guys and is occasionally getting complaints

That isn't acceptable

I charge more than most of the other tradders and wfpers round here but i get recommended so much because of my high standards

It is wrong to say he only pays a few quid so I'll do a ***** job..charge more or if not enough money drop them..only your own reputation going downhill

That whole house i can trad in under 15 minutes round this way for about 15 quid so rushing would lose me a good job..

Jonathan, If I have Buckingham Palace and you price it up at £7 then I still expect every window minty mate.

You seem to think there is an expectation of price related quality, you couldn't be more wrong on this one.

If anything I have learned that granny in a terrace is far more critical for her £7 clean than some of the 5 & 6 bed detached homes we do for £40+

Price has nothing to do with quality mate.

Do you quote your custies '£20 mate if you want a thorough job doing or £7 if you want me to do a half arsed job each visit?'

Wow guys. o_O I think CIU mentality had rubbed off on a few of you. Lol

This isnt how I work, or how my pricing structure works. My point was that for paul (the video in question), he worked fast to make up for the low prices in his area. This meant he could be on a great hourly rate, while still providing a good service (remember I said he hardly got any complaints) and his customers wouldn't have the mentality of

......"that only took you 10 minutes, I'm not paying you that much".....

Price matters in this instance.

If he was charging £15 for this house, then yes, no doubt he would lose customers purely based on the fact that customers would be thinking he was too fast (regardless of results). Wheras if they are paying £8 and getting a good job done, then they are going to be happy, and not question his speed.

As I've said, this isn't how I work, I'm a good bit slower, and I'm very particular about my work. I know I do a quality job because I charge more than most in my area, and I'm still batting the customers off with a stick.

I absoloutely do believe that there is an expectation of price related quality.

Why do you think there is so many bucket bobs out there with a ladder, bucket and a tea towel, doing a rubbish job for £3 a house? Because there customers are happy with a cheap price, even though the quality is not great.

I have a couple of under priced jobs, and have done some gutters and pressure washing under priced, they got the same quality job done regardless.

Hardly gets any complaints

I am proud of the fact i get NO complaints

That's what it's all about

So what would you say about this guy:eek:I'm a newbie but there is something definitely wrong here.

4:45 o_O


Holy crap, is he trying to pressure wash the window or something? way to far away for rinsing, I try and keep it as close as possible without touching.

And damn is he slow! bet he gets through some water lol

If I saw him working I would have to go up to him and ask WTF he was doing /emoticons/biggrin.png. He definitely DOES NOT rinse on the glass :rofl:

If I saw him working I would have to go up to him and ask WTF he was doing /emoticons/biggrin.png. He definitely DOES NOT rinse on the glass :rofl:

If I saw him working I would have to go up to him and ask WTF he was doing /emoticons/biggrin.png. He definitely DOES NOT rinse on the glass :rofl:

If I saw him working I would have to go up to him and ask WTF he was doing /emoticons/biggrin.png. He definitely DOES NOT rinse on the glass :rofl:

There's no way you could work that fast and do a good job, unless the windows were already very clean.

Even so, if I worked that fast I'd be a million air,

And there's ni way my customers would except that sort of job for the money I charge, they would be 'appalled' at the speed of the job and how lazy it looked.

I like to do a good through job and always rinse properly on all windows so I never get spotting. And like others have said that's the best way to build a good reputation,

I bet this guy was just showing off for the camera, he probably didn't work that fast in general...
