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my last window cleaner was only charging £xxx


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Just had a phone call from a woman who was bit shocked after i told her about my charges. I charge £30 to clean front and back for 3 bedroom house. Im based in london.
She told me her last windie was only charging £12 for the whole house. Im thinking to myself, where's is he now? When i clean windows i clean everything include the sills, frames and the bit in front of the window.

I don't think im charging unreasonable
well if he was so great and so cheap why is she calling you??? because he can't be bothered doing her windows anymore he got a new job at mcdonalds and is making real money now!!

3 bed semi is definitely under 20 minutes for a 1st clean..3 hours and I'm halfway through the days work

Trad would be 20 minutes or less too

I work on the kent/London border and agree £30 is too much for a 3 bed semi. Trad, it should take 20 mins, so around the £13 mark :thumbsup:
I don't believe you, you're probably more of a glass cleaner than window cleaner

I could set up my pressure washer and pressure wash the frames to 100% perfection (then do the drive and patio) then trad the windows in less than 3 hours....

Why do you not believe a trad guy can do a 3 bed in 20mins? sounds about right to me, and that's including frames not just glass, bearing in mind I was never a pro trad guy, I only did trad a few months before going wfp.

Watch some of @daveyboy1 videos, he is certainly NOT a glass cleaner and have zero doubt he would knock off a 3 bed in 20mins max.

If you did a first clean and properly scrubbed the frames like this bearing in mind I'm going slow for video purposes you could do a window in under 3 minutes..10 big windows like this would only be 30 minutes

Now imagine it's a maintenance clean so soap up the glass..wipe frames and then blade off and you're looking at a minute or so per window so 10-20 minutes tops for a thorough job on a 3 bed semi is easy


I do a semi maintenance wfp, I get my ladder off too and clean velux off it over an extension, clean loads of glass frames porch, patio, all in about 40min including chat and coffee

Not sure I would want a window cleaner at my house for 3 hours, would think he was casing the joint looking to rob me or something, it would be really, really strange lol

Not sure I would want a window cleaner at my house for 3 hours, would think he was casing the joint looking to rob me or something, it would be really, really strange lol
I think once it got to the 1hour mark I would think to myself- this guy is innexperienced, I'll look for a pro instead.

3 hours!!!!
This had to be a wind up.

If I pay someone to clean my windows sills / frames and it took him 3 hours, I would sack him.
Im deadly serious unfortunately. Yeah i know its bad and i need to improve. I only been window cleaning part time for less than 4 months. Im getting faster though, eventually things will workout. So far all my jobs had been great, no compliants apart from one guy but i got rid of him.

"If you did a first clean and properly scrubbed the frames like this bearing in mind I'm going slow for video purposes you could do a window in under 3 minutes..10 big windows like this would only be 30 minute"

What about the time spent on climbing up and down the ladder? Time spend on rinsing? I also use a scrapper to make sure the glass surfaces are dirt free and the frames can be greasy and tough to clean. I simply don't see how its possible unless its maintenance clean. Getting the ladder through the house also takes bit of time.
