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NEWBIE ALERT ! Window sills above ground floor, first time clean jobs and pure water usage and carriage.


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Hi everyone,
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer. I am 54 and a late to the trade but determined to succeed. My questions are.
1. Using WFP how do you check and make sure window sills above ground floor are clean.
2. Do you use traditional method on a first clean or can you effectively do that using WFP ...even on super dirty windows.

3. It will be a while before I invest in a tank. But how many litres do you think an average 8 window semi would take. I am trying to work out how many 25 litre Jerry's I would have to take on a run with a bad boy back pack.

I hope someone can help Cheerz Mike
1, you can't do really, practice on your own by putting dirt on them and check afterwards. Once you have a good technique just repeat.
2, no because you only need ladders for a restoration job and we don't offer that.
3, you could use upto 4 on a really bad 1st clean and around 15-20 litres per house after. But we don't try to conserve that much.
Its only time i ever carefully use ladder if they are really bad ie with moss or lichen algae, but you can see from ground floor if they are bad. If they aren't too bad keep running brush side to side to shift muck working towards yourself at an angle if you can adjust brush and until muck ceases as much as possible it my take a few more cleans to get clean unless there is embedded marks then not much you can do regards them im afraid
1, you can't do really, practice on your own by putting dirt on them and check afterwards. Once you have a good technique just repeat.
2, no because you only need ladders for a restoration job and we don't offer that.
3, you could use upto 4 on a really bad 1st clean and around 15-20 litres per house after. But we don't try to conserve that much.
Thank you ?
Its only time i ever carefully use ladder if they are really bad ie with moss or lichen algae, but you can see from ground floor if they are bad. If they aren't too bad keep running brush side to side to shift muck working towards yourself at an angle if you can adjust brush and until muck ceases as much as possible it my take a few more cleans to get clean unless there is embedded marks then not much you can do regards them im afraid
Thanks ?