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Oh another flood.....but....why?


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hmmm so in I come ...set up my ro.....set the kitchen cooker timer...switch on my ro to fill my trolley...and....most important of all...set the timer on my smarty phone too....so why did I get a flood..?

it relates to a sprucey post and something I read and something I didnt absorb.....:rolleyes: I must pay more attention in class....

it relates to a sprucey post and something I read and something I didnt absorb.....:rolleyes: I must pay more attention in class....
Yes you must....

and for that very reason you can now start sitting at the front of the class.....and stop slouching...sit-up straight lad /emoticons/tongue.png/emoticons/biggrin.png.

ahh but what bit of info didnt I listen too...

I suppose it relates to the fact I am a wfp newbie and it was my first year...now thats far too big a clue.../emoticons/biggrin.png

It's my firm belief that time doesn't always move at the same pace. /emoticons/smile.png It also moves faster in some places and slower in others at exactly the same time. So being a newbie @cheapncheerful isn't the answer I'm afraid. Its far more complicated than that.

I can spend 10 minutes watching the tank fill up in my van and it will only be half full. This is in spite the fact that the pump specs say it pumps 41 litres of water a minute and that my 650 liter tank still had water in it to begin with. So having made a mental calculation that it will take another 10 minutes to fill I rush inside to just 'put the kettle on.'

In that short time of going inside my perception of time changes and bears no relation to the time outside. In those brief few moments of filling the kettle and switching it on and then returning outside, the tank has not only filled up but pumped another 300 liters of precious pure water into my van and is pouring out of the side loading door. The IBC storage tank is also empty. And I still haven't had time to make that cup of coffee.

Time can also speed up so much that you actually have no recollection of anything happening in that time. Just the other day I was cleaning a 3 bedroom semi and my son was off doing a house nearby. As I came round after finishing the backs he asked me what I had been doing for the last hour - talking? I said no, there is no one home and I just need to do the front now. So the speed of time also changed for him, it slowed down although his watch was recording time in another place where is was travelling faster.

Its only when you get older that you realise that this is out of your control. This time phenominum becomes more apparent with age. When you were younger you always blamed yourself because you were taught that time always moves at the same pace no matter where you are but this just simply isn't correct.

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absolutely love that post spruce...so right in so many ways..

thankfully I only produce pure slowly and only am filling my backpack ..so the floods tend to be on the minor side but I am not liking the black mold that has started to appear on the ceiling in the extension caused by too much damp:eek:still another cleaning job for the spring...

going to copy and paste and keep the above to reflect on in times of worry.../emoticons/biggrin.png

along with smurfs old man poem....

that bloomin einstein didnt half make me think...and I havent got time to think really...

That's probably why my mate frank is a bit of a time lord too. He can make time go really really fast in one dimension and really really slow in the other.

Frank floods my van at least once a month. He can also do one better than that as frank can overfill me 1000 litre ibc's in my garden with pure water production too...FFS.

Now you know why I tend to wear wellies most of the time as frank is fooking useless as his memory seem totally shot

Frank is on your case CNC he's went for tuffers then me now you and I think he's got smurf a few times [emoji38]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

nope not frank this time....but a clue in the fact that it is my first year in production and something happened that caused the flood...and now me knows for future use...

okay I will give you another clue...I posted on here about the increasing time of pure production and the fact I thought...wrongly...that it was due to my pre filters clogging up...sprucey put me right in one of his great posts.../emoticons/biggrin.png

Get youreslf a 1000 litre ibc tank and stick that lot out in the garden, At least then your are not going to keep flooding the inside of your house. Oh a best you buy a pair of wellies /emoticons/biggrin.png

I am searching for one soon on flea bay but I want to keep it in the extension so I dont have to worry about mr frosty...it will be great to get it fitted with an auto off and sit back and relax.../emoticons/biggrin.png

There is no way you could get one of those inside the house as they are too big to get through a standard size door. Anyway your missus would go mental having one of those inside her house.:laugh:

yep your right but I was thinking a smaller one with a tap on the bottom and mounting it just at the right height to put my barrels under..but yep your right the bloomin dogs in there with its bed and that comes first../emoticons/biggrin.png

as for this post there is a fact of nature as to why I had my flood....

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Just stick a 1000 litre ibc tank outside in th back garden @cheapncheerful and either stick the ro/di in an a insulated and optional heated box or just bring it inside to protect it from frost. No more floods inside the house or messing about with conatiners to pee your missus off. If you have a garage stick it in there instead.

well I had a great storage area I built myself which is right next to the drive....bloody lad had pinched it for his bike and the gate isnt wide enough so I have been ordered to make a new one...

the point of this post was something caused this flood which wont cause it again:rolleyes:hopefully...something a newbie pure producer in his first year didnt figure and that he should have if he paid attention to what mr spruce had posted...:Dsomething fundamentally very simple and down to nature...

and yes joe90i your the winner quite correct...I didnt factor in the effect of temperature...

I just thought my pre filters were clogging up or something in the autumn as the pure took longer and longer to fill my backpack ....

and suddenly it went warmer and I had set it at my winter time...oops

you can actually hear the booster pump going faster...

so one to watch all you pure producing newbies...

and ta sprucey next time I will pay more attention when you said water moves slower when colder...I mean after all why does it change to ice which doesnt move at all...doooooohhhhh I am a bit of a homer..../emoticons/biggrin.png
