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Pay close attention, I am speaking English!


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once got revenge after being done over by a bloke called Adatamo Oshin . rang him up

"hello,is that Adatamo?"


"iv shagged your wife"



Who the F**Ks being racist! I'll get my baseball bat and beat your white redneck burger eating larger swilling catholic ass into the ground!!

You see that last statement wasn't racist but only cause anyone fitting that description realizes there's more to worry about in life than what some ignorant **** called you today!

Here's a tale for our UKIP fans on the fence for immigration control! Pay close attention as you may want to shop me to the border agency after this one for a check up!

As you can tell from my typing, some days I speak rather good English, other days I only speak it as well as the Northerners on here (JUST taking the proverbial urine extraction there) However I also speak exceedingly good French as I come from a small island in the British Isles called Jersey (Bergerac country to you lot /emoticons/tongue.png)

Now here's the fun part..... Jersey is NOT E.U. My mother (both of her parents / my grandparents) were from Jersey, when she retrained as a nurse in Southampton in 2001 she had to apply for a STUDENT VISA to work in the UK.

Now because my BASTA*D father (abandoned us when I was 2) -- anyhow, because he was English I have the right to live and work here, had he been a Jerseyman I would have to apply for a work visa and citizenship etc!

What's that? You have a Romanian / Latvian / Bulgarian / Greek / Polish / Syrian / Somalian / Pakistani Passport? Oh well come right in, here's a house, a fridge full of food a grand a month for you to send to your kids back home, anything else we can do for you?

And you all wonder why UKIP is gaining so much ground.

Heed Enoch - The streets will run red in our lifetime!

Before you all decide for some reason that the statement above is racist somehow, I am ACTUALLY married to a South east Asian. I choose not to say from which country as it doesn't fuc**ng matter now does it!

P.S. It took us 5 years and over £5K in fees for my wife to get her citzenship.

She took her oath and received her citizenship on St Georges Day (Shakespears Birtday) last year

Don't get much more BRITISH than that now do ya!

filipino? ^^^ now theyre allrite ,happy souls ,they pay normally

but id be surprised if uve got an *****

This threads had me in stitches. Back to the OP, I do the same as smurf. I always charge double for first cleans. Sorts out the losers, and makes first /one off cleans profitable instead of a chore.

I used to have 4 Fillipino custies in a row, and I will be honest, they we're the biggest PAIN IN THE ARSES for collections EVER.
that rules them out then . is yer missus from an exotic island?. whats that place called where the yanks sunk no end of jap ships ,mmm ah yes - Truk Lagoon, if she is from there youre a lucky sod, beautiful place to visit family.

Gudal is where the Yanks sank a load of ships, quite a few of their own too. However it is not there. And unless you are trying to update your cookbook with exotic delicacies I aint tell ya Boars as I dont see the importance! /emoticons/tongue.png

There is more racism among non 'white' immigrants (and descendants of) than their is by 'white british' people in this country. But when they say it we can't pull em up on it because we would be violating some bullsh88e right they have given to them by 'white british ' lawmakers. If you (the white man) say it on the other hand, well I'll be sure to pop by and check in on your wife for ya whilst your doing your porridge!

true to say this country has gone a bit too pc and so I will be voting for a change.../emoticons/biggrin.png

and its great not answering the phone as I cant get distracted and can now catch up with my basic work and that is what I plan to do this year any new jobs are going to be greened or smurfed or tolished or daveyboyed or tuff..oh no...cant say that..:rolleyes:

I'm a white paddy so what does that make me :rolleyes:

And no I'm not thick I've just lost me soap /emoticons/biggrin.png


DID YOU JUST CALL ME GREENED?? I am now going to write a strongly worded letter to my local MP..........Oh no, that's what white boys do..............I'm a Green boy, time to start riots and burn six major cities and watch it all get swept under a rug as we don't want to upset the 'ethnic' folk now!!

I gotta stop before I go too far! Time to break out the Scotch.

Hold on..........can I call it scotch? is the right term Whiskey? Will the Whiskey get upset that I called it a Scotch? Oh ****, it aint even Scotch, it's some Paddy crap.....I meant Irish.... no the Whiskey, not the Scotch!........

Ahhh f**k I'm gonna need another bottle to finish this thread!

oh smurfy that vid thats me when the elephant man comes...

er....this happened last week..View attachment 3908

well when a tin opener doesnt open a tin whats a man got to do...well ..I wanted my soup..

it was okay I found a forth tin opener of the really old type and it worked...

well she did get a new one...:D of course she said there was nothing wrong with them its the way I was doing it....yeh..

View attachment 3907

I don't thrown me toys out of the pram anymore @cheapncheerful as I found out if I break stuff I have to pay to get it replaced or mended.

oh smurfy that vid thats me when the elephant man comes...
er....this happened last week..View attachment 6009 View attachment 6010

well when a tin opener doesnt open a tin whats a man got to do...well ..I wanted my soup..

it was okay I found a forth tin opener of the really old type and it worked...

well she did get a new one.../emoticons/biggrin.png of course she said there was nothing wrong with them its the way I was doing it....yeh..
It will never hit the ceiling whilst my wife is still alive to spend it /emoticons/biggrin.png

he aint tik when it comes to money for sure../emoticons/biggrin.png
I wonder if that mattress has hit the ceiling yet...
My dads mate worked on the bins in the days of the original red kens glc

Brent town hall cafeteria refused to make him coffe as he asked for it black

"We don't do that we do with milk or without "

Load of old b####x

Same as we had a chalkboard at school but the one for marker pens was white board

Surprised we didn't learn different nursery rhymes

"Baa baa ethnic minority sheep...."

I get called racist because i believe enoch powell had the right idea in that he was concerned about the economics of too much immigration but he was perceived as a racist

If anyone comes here through marriage or dual nationality and pays into our system then i have no problem but it is the new generation of immigrants expecting something for nothing that does my nut in

I was in a chemist in london last year and immigration turned up and started dragging people out

That is what takes the pi55 as my hard graft goes towards feeding and housing the buggers
