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Pole Size What Would You Buy And Why


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I had to strip my wcw bk pk down last nte to put a longer hose on it an there was loads of simbles in Chinese on the parts just goes to show tony, made in china with china parts an the wcw bk pks r ace defo not substandard m8 :Image9:

wcw went to the same factory as john hewitt and imported them direct as he did tench,the trollies aswell,we developed a new trolly together but funding on my part stopped it all-even now i believe after five years its the first purpose made left handed trolly and will balance perfectly @45 degrees with a full water butt,still use it now sometimes kicks the pf one in its ass

sounds like a good trollie m8, I had the pure freedom one was very good had to take pump battery an flo con off tho so I could make my van mount as the trollies wasent 4 me dident suet my round very well

Kevin I started out with a 45ft Tucker about 10yrs ago. Then a Xcel fiberglass. Gardiner CLX, Simpole carbon fiber, and now use a 30ft Gardiner SLX not to mention trying out many other brands at cleaning events.

What I mean by knock offs is that many of these Chinese poles are built to specs given them by other companies. They then sell those poles under other names or as their own.

Tony Evans

[email protected]


Sent from my S4

Most Carbon Fiber poles are made in China. many are designed by the manufacture based in the UK or USA.

Many are copies of these design's . The key is making poles is the wall thickness and when it is only 1.2 which gives you a light but not durable pole.

Many are made with ud carbon fiber and 3k and others with hi Mod .But few are 100% Hi Mod and if the are they will break in time because they have a very thin wall thickness to keep cost down.

There is an art to making a long lasting dependable pole that is light strong and durable. We have over 20 designs from 2007 to 2017 so we understand what is in most pole's just by the weight and what type of carbon fiber is in it.the key is if your going for 75 feet you do not want the bend to hit the building and this without lowing the top 3 sections. Not easy to design!

