Came accross a bit of a dilemma today on the round I had bought, although I had seen 90% of it, some of it was bought 'blind' ie: I had seen the houses but not the prices, just a rough idea of what a day was in that road/estate.
Turns out its 26 properties, mixed between large 3 bed semis and small bungalows with med-large windows (4-5 plus doors)......for £150? Needless to say prices would all need to go over 100% on increases, tried to knock on a few but nobody home so decided to cut my losses, have dropped the round and will go back an canvass it in a few months once everyone is desperate for a window cleaner? the safer option i reckon!
Turns out its 26 properties, mixed between large 3 bed semis and small bungalows with med-large windows (4-5 plus doors)......for £150? Needless to say prices would all need to go over 100% on increases, tried to knock on a few but nobody home so decided to cut my losses, have dropped the round and will go back an canvass it in a few months once everyone is desperate for a window cleaner? the safer option i reckon!