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half the time you cant see in anyway...i have found wearing my sun hat helps as i lower my head and cant see them....

i had a conny to do the other day and they all insisted in enjoying a cuppa tea whilst i worked away...i left it til the very end but you gotta do what you gotta do....and having to use my six inch scraper all the time wasnt helping....i was thinking i hope you dont scratch ....

i have done the insides since and saw some scratches on one panel but one only and i scraped them all so i dont think it was me....i dont know what causes it but it was some small brown bits that just wouldn't applicate alligator off....

hey i held out well with six hours without i was amazed as i drank loads too...

yeh not been caught yet....although....

well there was that new job a while back....and it was bone dry everywhere flagged so i snuck down and had one down the drain which was a little dodgy as it faced the road down the driveway...i had my scrim on standby...and of course ..i not an animal i always flush afterwards...with my bucket of water...

only when i stood up to walk back to work did i notice the discreet cctv looking down the driveway...:eek:

well i was kneeling down with my back to it so hopefully was okay...you gotta be careful out there we dont want to end up on on you tube...:rolleyes:

I was subbing a bit of work of a guy once. I was stood there talking to him while getting the work while he was peeing on the frosted lower window of a custy he didn't like.

some people just don't give a toss..especially when this job relys on word of mouth quite a bit..imagine if he got caught

i own up to getting desperate recently whilst out delivering a magazine and had to use a plant pot...cant wait to see if its still alive next time...oops..but sometimes...especially as you get older...if you gotta go you gotta go...

hmmm i like all my custys so i cant do a thing like that but i have taken a note as you never know.....:Dyeh you wouldnt want to get caught..

yeh but lately i have been having a little problem...if i need to go....i really really need to go....like fast...but my dad was the same i was laughing at him and now its happening to me...

It's an age thing

used to be able to hold it all day

had to resort to peeing behind my truck parked outside the gherkin in ec2 the other day

so glad I'm gonna be jacking that lark in soon

yeh soon you will be free....oh its great....if i feel tired ...i have a nap...if i feel hungry i go and eat....i feel peed off i go home...just always free....well until the wife nags me to death...why are you home early...nag a nag a nag...:whistle:

Had a couple well earned days off both jobs and ended up smashing out a concrete path with a sledgehammer and pickaxe, putting down slabs and surrounding with gravel after first putting wood all round to contain it

thanks love nice days off

you enjoy your 6 weeks off seeing as you are a teacher

yeh got a bit of that to do myself....maybe my wife will clean up around here when shes off...:rofl:er not my wife....

i have laid down a smashed up brick barby a customer wanted moving and i was hoping my car tyres would sink it to the level i want..but no its still stuck high...sledgehammer time soon.../emoticons/smile.png

i am hoping to get some time off shortly as most of my custys disappear on hols...that is a holiday to do jobs at home....:rolleyes:

Can't remember my last holiday for relaxing

turkey in October for a week may be the time

the recessions lifted now so theres no reason at all to go in with a low price anymore. OP being in Stevenage you should be able to get a decent whack from day 1 . its only this year iv had the confidence to raise my prices after 6 yrs i waited too long like a fool scared theyd cry you are robbin us , but better late than never . iv been whackin mine up by 1 quid, 2 ,£3 and its amazing the diffrence that means in my pocket

way to go boar..yes me left it too long but i sneakin them up all the time now..well some are stuck....grrrr...and they now they are getting it cheap...grrr...someday...i gonna go ..time for a pay rise..../emoticons/biggrin.png

Where are you based boar?
suffolk coast . i work in 4 towns colchester my favourite, ipswich,woodbridge,felixstowe my home town but i try not work here as its on the beach and devils own job in the winter sea salt. worst still all high houses in my town trouble is i get spotted at rest,you know how it is,doorknockers

I used to live in west London and was charging the prices we get around here years ago

can't be doing with that anymore though

all the people with money there are all up their own arses

they are the worst to get payment from

Most wealthy ppl are as good as gold but I do come accross some that can be a right pain in the arse. Mostly what I would call toffs and not forgetting our haggling friends as @cheapncheerful found out last week.
