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Pumps & Controllers price difference


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As you can see im attempting to upgrade/ buy newer equipment so on the hunt and getting a headache.

What pump and controller people operating?

Looking at purefreedom
V16 Purefreedom controller + Pump comes in just under £260.

V16 Daqua controller + pump (not sure what pump it is as site is ****, cant click on any items to find out more information)

Either it's the same items but a brand name is making the price difference or what?

Note: both mounted on a board already.
Oh dear ? it does say Pentair 8000-946-138 pump and V16 Controller. Prices are going up as has an email about price increases.

Our website is built code for code which we write not a package software. We are in the process of doing a new one but is taking a long time as we write the coding for our own websites.
You will find that virtually every controller that are individually branded are based on spring controllers (the UK manufacturer)

It all depends on what you want it to do, I personally love the wfp link by spring, saves water, battery and ultimately money
As you can see im attempting to upgrade/ buy newer equipment so on the hunt and getting a headache.

What pump and controller people operating?

Looking at purefreedom
V16 Purefreedom controller + Pump comes in just under £260.

V16 Daqua controller + pump (not sure what pump it is as site is ****, cant click on any items to find out more information)

Either it's the same items but a brand name is making the price difference or what?

Note: both mounted on a board already.
Just reading back on what I wrote comes across abit shitty which I didn't intend.
Just been grueling flicking through sites and wanted a little more information to hand without looking up specifications etc on Google if that makes sense.

Thanks for the response ?
Out of curiosity @doug atkinson ,why do you do all the individual coding when there are some amazing template sites out there? Could it be errors in the code that are causing the lag/errors?