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Quick question.


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Well-known member
Good morning lads, first off id like to say thanks to all the guys on here who have helped me me recently, with some great advice, thanks.

Ok now to question, iv switched to wfp sucessfully, mostly doing tops an bottoms with brush, as its much quicker.

Anyway  theres a couple of house pvc bottoms that keep spotting, these windys are in great condition, an the frames an windys are sparkling when cleaned, but keep sptting, no vents either.

So i was thinking next time round, il do the bottoms, then squeege the pure of the windows.

Does anyone try this?

My water is 0ppm.


I had a couple of houses like this before. No matter how much purified water I used they spotted.
I even cleaned one twice over and came back later in the day to have a look and sure enough all the windows left spots and I mean all of them.
Checked my ppm, fine, I even clean the neighbours either side and no problems. Wooden frames and the only difference was that they had painted there frames and not sure on what quality paint/stained was used but still not sure if that was causing the problem.
In the end I just traditional cleaned them.
Sometimes you just have to succumb and go the old mop & blade.

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i have this on one house, i got to leave it a few minutes between doing the bottoms after doing the tops

as the spotting comes from the run off from the top windows

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i have this on one house, i got to leave it a few minutes between doing the bottoms after doing the tops
as the spotting comes from the run off from the top windows
Yeah mostly I do that now. All ups, let them drip a while sometimes if doing block work and good access I will do 2/3 houses ups then go back and do all the downs, just makes sure no drips are messing up the bottoms.
Keeps the real fussy ones happy :)

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i have this on one house, i got to leave it a few minutes between doing the bottoms after doing the tops

as the spotting comes from the run off from the top windows
Thanks for the reply mate, but this bottoms windows are an extension with  no dripping near it.

I had a couple of houses like this before. No matter how much purified water I used they spotted.
I even cleaned one twice over and came back later in the day to have a look and sure enough all the windows left spots and I mean all of them.
Checked my ppm, fine, I even clean the neighbours either side and no problems. Wooden frames and the only difference was that they had painted there frames and not sure on what quality paint/stained was used but still not sure if that was causing the problem.
In the end I just traditional cleaned them.
Sometimes you just have to succumb and go the old mop & blade.

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Thanks for the reply, real annoying mate, i think il just squeege the pure of the bottom windows, have you or anyone else squeeged pure water?

Im heading out shortly, il report my findings, ?

You can squeegee if but the rubber can drag so I just put some cleaner on it. If they always spot I'll do the frames with purified and then blade off with some glass gleam 4 and a bit of squeegee off window cleaner added.
All good then and you know the customer won't be contacting saying about spotting.

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You can squeegee if but the rubber can drag so I just put some cleaner on it. If they always spot I'll do the frames with purified and then blade off with some glass gleam 4 and a bit of squeegee off window cleaner added.
All good then and you know the customer won't be contacting saying about spotting.

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Thanks for reply mate, so would you spray the glass gleam straight on to windows after you brushed them? Then squeege?

Could you explain bud, iv to kill an hr before i go out, lashing here, thanks.

Thanks for reply mate, so would you spray the glass gleam straight on to windows after you brushed them? Then squeege?
Could you explain bud, iv to kill an hr before i go out, lashing here, thanks.

I make up the solution in a bucket or if carrying around with me in a 500ml bottle with a squirt top (like the vinegar bottles have) I then spray it directly on to the mop or you can squirt it on the window direct if you prefer.

You could just wipe the frames with a micro fibre cloth but I prefer to use the wfp then just squeegee the window that usually leave spots.

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I make up the solution in a bucket or if carrying around with me in a 500ml bottle with a squirt top (like the vinegar bottles have) I then spray it directly on to the mop or you can squirt it on the window direct if you prefer.

You could just wipe the frames with a micro fibre cloth but I prefer to use the wfp then just squeegee the window that usually leave spots.

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Thanks mate for the info, il give it a whirl, one more question, could i mix pure water with vinegar in a spray bottle, an use that?

Spotting is caused because the water left on the glass as it's drying is contaminated somehow.  In my experience if the windows + frames are in perfect condition and your water is 000, they won't spot unless as said the water is dripping or running off something else that is contaminating it.

If I can't figure out how to deal with it or it's impossible or impractical to deal with it then more often than not I'll wfp them then blade off the offending window. I seldom add anything to the water, just blade off and detail if need be with a microfibre.

Causes of contamination can be old frames or old black rubber seals. If it comes off white or black when you run a finger over it then it's likely to cause contamination.

Water running off brickwork or canopies can be another cause.

Another offender I've come across occasionally is flat topped bay windows, especially if they are covered with lead.

I used to have a good few private houses that had the same type of windows, window split into four panes. On quite a few of the windows, the paintwork on the middle crossbar, would like osmosis drift up the window, ended up having to squeegee them, i would try again n again,but just had to squeegee them. I said to customer that this happened n said when it rains on windows this will happened as well n it must be a manufacturing painting issues n maybe if it was repainted would stop the issues. I sold those houses on as just got annoying.

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Try just Cleaning the glass on windows n see if they dry clean?
Is it windy as air contaminants could ddry in with water bubbles.

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Just make up a little trad solution in a spray bottle or empty squirty bottle and keep it in the van

Spray the applicator and trad as normal for that window

A lot less hassle and you know it is spot free
