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R.O setup help - series or parallel


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Wakefield Window Warrior
Hmmm so.

I had a 150 gpd R.O I have made the pure/waste ratio 1:1 as per @spruce advice, using a tap to replace the restrictor.

Now I have upgraded it to a 450 gpd with two extra housings. I have set it up it series with the waste from one going through the next as couldn't find much info online on how to set it up. 

After doing so I had to restrict the waste/pure back to 1:1 with the tap. 

Just wondering if I was supposed to set them up in parallel and if so what effect would it have in terms of the speed pure is produced Vs the amount of water water Vs lifespan of membranes? 

I think I read @Dave B mention something to do with this but can't find it

Running 1:1 ratio I'm producing 700ml of pure a minute or 42l an hour, this seems quite low, I think parallel will produce more pure? Speed isn't that much of an issue I'd rather it be more cost efficient in terms of waste and membrane life and also efficency for the resin

Any help would be good

Parallel is the way to do it @adamangler

Whatever the speed of production you will ruin 1 membrane a lot quicker than with 3 in parallel as the waste from each one is even higher tds in to the next one so the last membrane has stupidly high tds going in

Also it would be quicker i should think 

cheers dave

Would parallel look like this?

Prefilters -then split 3 ways 1 into each mebrane

all wastes connected

all pure connected - then restrictor afterwards ?


cheers dave

Would parallel look like this?

Prefilters -then split 3 ways 1 into each mebrane

all wastes connected

all pure connected - then restrictor afterwards ?


Split 3 ways.. i did it with 1 t piece for 1st membrane and then a y piece for the other 2 but another t would do

The waste i do the same and that goes into the restrictor/tap depending what you are using

Then all 3 pure in to 1 also

cheers dave

Would parallel look like this?

Prefilters -then split 3 ways 1 into each mebrane

all wastes connected

all pure connected - then restrictor afterwards ?


Yes, but should read

all wastes connected - then restrictor afterwards

all pure connected.

You will hardly be able to notice the difference between outputs of these small r/os. But upgrading from 300 to a 450gpd means the r/o is producing 50% more water - but its still a trickle.

When we fitted our 4040 and when we turned it on I was gobsmacked at how fast we produced water in comparison.

Your 450gpd would take what appeared to be forever to fill a 1000 liter IBC tank. But once it get past a certain point it will keep ahead of your requirements. You won't be able to keep up with it working normally. Its the old story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise is slow but just keeps on going where the hare stops to rest overnight.  :1f609:

We had our 450gpd on a cutoff system that would cut supply to the r/o when our IBC tank was full. So it didn't matter to us if we just ran the r/o all night as it would automatically switch off when the tank was full and automatically switch one when we took water out.

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