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Do you charge more for climbing on roofs(per climb/per window)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • No I charge the same price per window

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • I charge less, as it saves time cleaning multiple windows.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Just not possible to do that, yourl be standing there for 10 minutes at each house assessing hazards etc wasting time when money could be earnt lol, you just quickly ***** in your head and if you think yourl be fine then there should be no problems

thats the thing, it is possible to do that to each house, thats the way things go when you start getting big and take larger contract and coucil work on!

plus if its not down on paper there is no proof that you did one!

you do not need to have it on paper at all, i dont know what you have been told but you simply dont.

if i was up a ladder and i dropped a squeegee it would never go to court because im insured, the insurance company do not require me to have written risk assesments, neither does any law regarding working at height. therefore i wouldnt be guilty of anything. fact.

the council or other contracts may require you to have these things but the law and insurance companies do not!

anyone else believe you are supposed to do a points based written risk assesment before commencing work on any property? anyone?

gmeister is right, a quick self risk assesment in your head is all thats required by hse, iv been through their site and found numerous examples of this.

i did say lets just agree to disagree but it seems you think your right and anyone doing it differently is wrong, iv cleaned windows for quite a while, i know alot of window cleaners in my local area and i talk to lots of members on here, and no-one does things the way you are saying they should.

i guess your right and eveeyone else doing it is wrong!lol

oh and you keep saying about your BIG company, i think you need to differenciate between what a small/medium business and a big company is.

yes you do have to have it on paper as this is the only real way you can prove to anyone that one has been done.

in that worst case sanrio yes it would go to court coz you killed someone, and nothing will be paid out until the results.

if you was found to have not followed the right procedures and cant prove anything, im affraid you will be found guilty.

the law dose require you to have a risk assesment down on paper.

you havent been through there site at all other wise you would know all this!

i know no-one does it the proper way, its just one of those things that people do. people dont know these things as they dont look into there trade.

it dosent matter if you a sinlge man or have 2000 people working for you its the same for all sizes of business.

haha, you know nothing about law! the whole cons***ution of this country is based on innocent until PROVEN guilty and PROVEN BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.

to be convicted of any wrongdoing THEY would have to PROVE you didnt do a mental risk assesment, you dont have to prove you did.

if it were proved you were acting irresponsibly or UNSAFELY then yes you would be liable to conviction. but not having a written report of what you found during your mental risk assesment would not.

a mental risk assesment is whats required, nothing more

in a court of law everything has to be proven in writing as that is the only 100% way to prove anything.

anyway, GMCleaning if you say you are as safe as you can be, why do you carry insurrance and public liability? which both you dont have to have leagaly if you dont employ anyone?

Posted Today, 07:57 AM

"in a court of law everything has to be proven in writing as that is the only 100% way to prove anything."

...no it doesnt, and no its not, you are wrong on this one, trust me

"anyway, GMCleaning if you say you are as safe as you can be, why do you carry insurrance and public liability? which both you dont have to have leagaly if you dont employ anyone?"

2 reasons, firstly it give customers peace of mind and enables me to use it as a selling point, differenciating myself from the beer money windies, and secondly, because no matter how safe you are in your work practice anyone can have an accident, depending on the value of the damage i can decide wether to pay it out of my own pocket or use the insurance, iv never had to use it but its nice knowing its there

yes it does and if you wife is a lawyer that deals with court items she will know this!

2 reasons, firstly it give customers peace of mind and enables me to use it as a selling point, differenciating myself from the beer money windies, and secondly, because no matter how safe you are in your work practice anyone can have an accident, depending on the value of the damage i can decide wether to pay it out of my own pocket or use the insurance, iv never had to use it but its nice knowing its there

now you are contradicting yourself!!! i love it!

oh just for the record I found this bit of information for you to read and train you in the law regarding risk assesments!

Legal duties and obligations around Risk Assessment

The Management of Health and Safety at Work (MHSW) Regulations 1999

These regulations require all employers and the self-employed to assess the risks from their work on anyone who may be affected by their activities.

The Regulations require employers to carry out a systematic examination of their work activities and record the significant findings of the Assessment.

As well as the assessment of general work activities, there are a number of pieces of legislation that look for a specific Risk Assessment including:

  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
  • The Manual Handling Operations Regulations
  • The Control Of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002
  • The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
  • The Display Screen Equipment Regulations

Follow the links for further information on these topics.

The above regulations require employers to look at specific matters in relation to the risks that are likely to be encountered.

i think she knows abit more about the law than you do mate,lol.

no contradictions there, i dont see what you mean.

and as for that quote you just googled on risk assesment, let me just repost that with some bold type.

Legal duties and obligations around Risk Assessment

The Management of Health and Safety at Work (MHSW) Regulations 1999

These regulations require all employers and the self-employed to assess the risks from their work on anyone who may be affected by their activities.

The Regulations require employers to carry out a systematic examination of their work activities and record the significant findings of the Assessment.

As well as the assessment of general work activities, there are a number of pieces of legislation that look for a specific Risk Assessment including:"

employers need to record the findings, by the very fact it doesnt state self employed in the second paragraph clearly indicates a mental risk assesment is sufficient unless you are employing staff.

you just posted a quote that proves my point for me, thanks

with the law side i work closly with my law team to make sure that things are being done right, thats why i know about this,

my god cant beleive that how much of a **** you really are and just can understand english!

oh look lets just highligt a few words in a full sentance

those words mean nothing on there own and when you, if you can, read it as a FULL sentance it means what it means.

haha, the words i highlighted are the defining words of the sentance, your an idiot.

this is my last post on this thread, iv proven my point and people can make there own minds up, you can comeback with whatever you like, i wont be replying so knock yourself out!

If your squeegee accidently killed someone you would need to get use to eating porrige as you would probably go down for corporate man slaughter and dont think a piece of paper with a risk assesment would help your case :unsure: .

If your squeegee accidently killed someone you would need to get use to eating porrige as you would probably go down for corporate man slaughter and dont think a piece of paper with a risk assesment would help your case :unsure: .
just a risk assesment wouldnt help!
