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Scheduling new customers


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Morning! I have a question! 

Bit of background to the question first of all: 

I think I have a similar business plan to the majority here with only slight differences.

I do a 5 week round with work fairly compact. Prices are relatively low (in my opinion) but, because I keep everyone close together grouped, I make a wage I'm happy with. If a customer says not this week, next week, unless for exceptional circumstances, I say no. 

Heres the question....If you get a new customer calling, do you tell them to wait for next time you are in the area (potentially up to 4 weeks) or do you make them a priority, see them asap and then shift them around later?

I've been doing the former, but losing a few before I see them.

Hey, good question. So just my opinion of course. But since I’m currently building my round up I usually would get them ASAP (preferably the same week as they ring)

I see it’s beneficiary that way because they’re happy they are having their windows done so fast and not having to wait. But when my round does get full or close to full I will be having to make them wait in advance for a free slot to pop up if that makes sense. So personally I think it’s down to preference really.

seeing them ASAP I’ve never had anyone phone me back saying they want to cancel, although I’ve had one or two ask to rehchedule as something came up. Hope this helps

Morning! I have a question! 

Bit of background to the question first of all: 

I think I have a similar business plan to the majority here with only slight differences.

I do a 5 week round with work fairly compact. Prices are relatively low (in my opinion) but, because I keep everyone close together grouped, I make a wage I'm happy with. If a customer says not this week, next week, unless for exceptional circumstances, I say no. 

Heres the question....If you get a new customer calling, do you tell them to wait for next time you are in the area (potentially up to 4 weeks) or do you make them a priority, see them asap and then shift them around later?

I've been doing the former, but losing a few before I see them.
it just depends...if im really busy they will have to wait.....if ive got a light work day that day then yes ill fit them in......its really that simple......most of my work is within a 5 mile area so i might actually fit them in later that week or the week after if its a stand alone large house.....

I've been pretty much the same myself the last month since I've started on my own. If a new customer calls me I'll ask them when there available for me to go round and I'll stick to that day & time give them the price if there happy I'll do it there and then and explain to them it may be 5 or 6 weeks till I'm there again so I can tie them in with the others in the area. I think the key is to get that customer on your books asap cause there's a lot of us guys out there now

the great thing about using the cleaner planner mobile app is when you pick up a new job when out and about you can add it right there and then where you want it on your worksheet and itll stay there in that round order for future cleans,even if you dont clean the job that day you can still add it and press "missed" and itll show up again next month/2 months or whatever.....great..?

It’s all down to how busy you are. For me I’m at a place were I make them wait until I’m next on their street but can fully understand if your just starting up and not only have more time on your hands but don’t want to risk losing them. Ultimately you want all your work in order though as it will save you loads of time and will boost your turnover. 

Make them wait makes round nice and easier and also makes you not look like your desperate,  when starting out I did them straight away but then u will end up going different areas and having to re arrange them later when u get busier 
