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Anyone working in between Xmas and New year?


Help Support WCF:

I live in an area with lots of crack and heroin addicts as well as drinking alcoholics but it has zero affect on my life because I'm not part of their lifestyle. Most of the last 20 years I've been free of drink and drugs so they don't bother me.

The problem with your brother and his girlfriend is your dad is funding their drink/drugs habits and even paying her rent!

Why do you think this is?

Why can't he just cut ties with them both and let them fend for themselves and reach rock bottom?This is the only way forward.

Only offer help in financial terms if they get help and get into recovery NOT BEFORE! They will have to show they are serious about getting clean and sober and moving forward to stand on their own 2 feet and be responsible adults who pay their way in life.

Failing that I would cut them out of my life totally unless they get into recovery. Tough love is the only way!