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Shoulder hurting, how to look after it?


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Best thing I've done to relieve shoulder pain is to invest in a high quality pole (e.g lighter) and stand further back.
why stand further back?

Also, do you clean over conservatories? (I know this puts strain on shoulder.)

I have used mine in the past with 60m or more of microbore and hose reelWouldn't recommend it for such a small pump but enough hose to go round an average semi will be fine
So with a small pump, (like the one I posted a picture of) do you recommend ordering about 60 metres of microbore rather than 100m?

I dont know if you do , but going to the gym and lift weights help me alot . Had a back injury at 15 and the only Way is fitness for Continue my business . Shoulders and back must be strong . And then again , some guys dont have too .. But i do .

Tendonitis can cause serious pain but at least it's not a rotator cuff injuryI tore mine years ago (over 50% depth tear) and it was 50/50 whether they operated on it (cut muscle off bone..repair muscle..screw anchors into bone..hook muscle onto them and wait for them to reattach themselves)

They went for letting it heal itself and it took 2 years

That was about 6 years ago and i still have pain when sleeping on my front
I tore my rotator cuff on Christmas day morning walking the dog, slipped and fell landing on my elbow, waited 9 months for the op. The op also had to unfreeze my shoulder as no one told me I had to keep using it as best as I could. Was told it would be 3 months before I could lift a kettle & 6 months before I could do any heavy manual work. I was washing windows and gutter vacing in the December, 3 months after op. Have no issues at all with it now.

Tendonitis should be treated with ice packs, anti inflammatory tablets and rest, if possible. Hot baths, or any type of heat, is the worst things for it.

why stand further back?
Also, do you clean over conservatories? (I know this puts strain on shoulder.)
Standing further back puts less pressure on the shoulders and neck mate - you use your arms and body to do the cleaning. If you can imagine standing close to a house while cleaning windows you'll be looking up (hurting your neck) and your shoulders will be working harder than your arms whilst cleaning windows. I stand on multi ladders in the 'n' position using slats to clean convo roofs.

I've read this thread thro. I will definitely stick to tradding! I've no aches or pains and I'm over 50!
Made me smile reading your post Mark. Oh the simplicity of shining with ladders.

I've got a mate who started shining in the late seventies, about the same time as me and who's closing sixty, still shining and still using ladders. Had a bit of bother with high blood pressure a few years back and had to have some time off. But other than that he's had few problems health wise. Me? My back started playing up after 10 years, knees after 20, and after 30 years up and down ladders and one serious accident, I couldn't do it anymore. Switched to wfp, and now 10 years on I'm still able to do a job I enjoy.

Made me smile reading your post Mark. Oh the simplicity of shining with ladders.I've got a mate who started shining in the late seventies, about the same time as me and who's closing sixty, still shining and still using ladders. Had a bit of bother with high blood pressure a few years back and had to have some time off. But other than that he's had few problems health wise. Me? My back started playing up after 10 years, knees after 20, and after 30 years up and down ladders and one serious accident, I couldn't do it anymore. Switched to wfp, and now 10 years on I'm still able to do a job I enjoy.
Were all different mate. I've been tradding for over 35 years and have had no health issues with work altho I doze off sometimes in the evening nowadays. Went to a well man clinic last year at the insistence of my daughters( I'm a bit to fond of cake n sweets). All fine tho. Including blood pressure. Nurse was suprised how well I was. Doesn't wanna see me again for 5 years. I gave up the **** 10 years ago tho. That's prob helped.

It does make me laugh sometimes when I see photos of the insides of the backs of some of our vans posted on here. I remember a time when my insurance company would not let me insure my car for social domestic and pleasure only as they couldn't see how I could carry on a window cleaning business without using my vehicle. I used to walk everywhere with my ladders on my shoulders.

I've read this thread thro. I will definitely stick to tradding! I've no aches or pains and I'm over 50!
I trad as well. Still do ground floors. Doesn't carrying ladders aggravate anything? What ladder you recommend, out of interest?

I trad as well. Still do ground floors. Doesn't carrying ladders aggravate anything? What ladder you recommend, out of interest?
I don't know what mine is off hand. It's not heavy tho. Just a standard one bought from soap national. I've got a very heavy 3 section that I use about once a month. That's heavy to carry. I can walk for miles with my standard one.

I never take time off due to illness or injury

At the moment my knee is screaming at me but i still got involved helping do a bit of scrum practice before my sons teams game this morning and will still be at work all week

With me it is ignorance and determination over common sense and logic

Probably not the best thing to do but i have always been too stubborn for my own good
