For the last 10 years or so i have been using a ring smart charger to replenish the leisure battery at the end of the working day. I have a split charge relay installed, but tend to find that even though it does pop a bit of charge into the battery whilst out on the rounds, its almost always requiring a charge when back parked up in the garage.
Anyway, my leisure battery started dying back last year after 4 years, and ended up no longer holding a charge.
So i bought a new battery, but within a month that also was dying.
Checked my smart charger with a multimeter, and its putting out less than a third of what it says it is.
So i bought a standard 12 amp charger that isnt smart, its bought back both the new battery and my old battery that was going to throw away.
£60 for a smart charger vs 20 for a standard one that actually does charge!
Anyway, my leisure battery started dying back last year after 4 years, and ended up no longer holding a charge.
So i bought a new battery, but within a month that also was dying.
Checked my smart charger with a multimeter, and its putting out less than a third of what it says it is.
So i bought a standard 12 amp charger that isnt smart, its bought back both the new battery and my old battery that was going to throw away.
£60 for a smart charger vs 20 for a standard one that actually does charge!