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Solar panel scraper recommendations please


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There are no wires on the top of the glass they are completely covered
I know some are all under the glass completely, the more modern ones have a raised bumpy feel to them though? If they’re not wires I don’t know what they’re called but the newer ones certainly have metal near the surface. I can imagine it can be scraped, particularly if it has another layer over the top, just doesn’t seem worth the hassle to me.
I know some are all under the glass completely, the more modern ones have a raised bumpy feel to them though? If they’re not wires I don’t know what they’re called but the newer ones certainly have metal near the surface. I can imagine it can be scraped, particularly if it has another layer over the top, just doesn’t seem worth the hassle to me.
All the ones we have done and we have done a lot of them over the years many different types are all embedded in the glass only use a scraper on the ones with heavy liken on them . Never got a shock and we would have done if contact with the wires had happened and never had any issues after cleaning them this way either ,but we are careful how we do it .
All the ones we have done and we have done a lot of them over the years many different types are all embedded in the glass only use a scraper on the ones with heavy liken on them . Never got a shock and we would have done if contact with the wires had happened and never had any issues after cleaning them this way either ,but we are careful how we do it .
It’s entirely possible that it’s just something I’ve been led to believe and continued to believe. I do know they recommend no chemicals should be used on them. Just googled and found plastic scrapers which are marketed as solar safe. They seem to fit unger safety scrapers so worth a go.
As far as I am aware all solar panels have a sheet of glass over them to protect against the elements. If conductors are on the surface then any coating would wear away and then when it rains they would short out! The silicon elements have to be protected from the elements.

The main reason manufacturers say not to use chemicals is that they don't want the possibility of damaged seals as this would let the elements in contact the silicon and destroy the panel. So if scraping try and stay clear of say 5mm clear of the ali frame, that way you can't damage the seals.