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Starting up working from car with wfp


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Alright lads I’m learning towards purchasing the clx 22 and gardiner backpack, when ordering there’s all these options of selecting gooseneck, brush, jets, hose and hose connecter type, also on backpack it says choose end connector .. I’m gonna be honest I ain’t got a clue what’s the best selections I need to make...

This should help... I imagine most of your other questions could be answered in on the same YouTube channel, worth a watch ?


I went with a medium brush, EZ connector, long angled goose (that's the bit tat the top that holds the brush - you can change the angle), twin jets and the yellow non reinforced hose.

For the back pack, go with an ez connector again and be done with it. Gardiner will fit them for you (or rather they've got some pre made that they pick off the shelf lol).

For extra convenience, maybe consider buying two more EZ connectors with the 5mm barb - then you can cut the hose and have a shorter section hanging out the bottom of the pole while you can coil up the rest. I checked with mine yesterday and the EZ connectors does fit through the hold at the bottom of the CLX27 and inside section 1 - the smallest so it will be able to sneak up the pole as you extend it taking the hose with it once connected.

I bought my backpack one month and the pole the next. Imagine the head scratching I had to do working out what connector matched the one i selected for the pole lol. Got there eventually though..

For extra convenience, maybe consider buying two more EZ connectors with the 5mm barb - then you can cut the hose and have a shorter section hanging out the bottom of the pole while you can coil up the rest. I checked with mine yesterday and the EZ connectors does fit through the hold at the bottom of the CLX27 and inside section 1 - the smallest so it will be able to sneak up the pole as you extend it taking the hose with it once connected.
Hi mate cheers for the advice, what’s this about ordering two more ez connectors with 5mm barb? 

Do I need them or can just order the backpack and pole

Hi mate cheers for the advice, what’s this about ordering two more ez connectors with 5mm barb? 

Do I need them or can just order the backpack and pole

Oh boy.. As i said above, if you have an extra pair of connectors then you can cut the hose an inch or two from the bottom of the pole (when it's retracted / closed) and then put a connector there. That means that you can completely remove the hose from the back pack AND pole and coil it up seperately. You don't have to but it'll mean the hose is always connected to the pole and you'll have to carry them both together.

See my thread about that issue here: 

@Hyzer373 also check out this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSQ9VL4EeZOBX3vgEQe5pIA watch the videos even the ones you may not think relevant right now will help you grow your business if you are to make a success of a window cleaning business you need absorb all the info and eat sleep and breathe window cleaning and invest in the right equipment and marketing it's harder than you may think as it's not just cleaning windows, also with wfp it takes a lot to master as there is great deal more  to it than the traditional method. 

If I wanted to buy a cheaper pump from eBay but get the good pole clx22 (as I’m seeing the quality of pole is important) that should be fine right. If I bought clx22 and this water pump https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132349178528 would they work and fit together fine? 

Hyzer, you REALLY need to start taking more notice of what you're reading. We're all noticing that you're reluctant to do this - we've all given you advice to have you ask the same question 2-3 times over again..

That auction on ebay as clearly stated in the description is for a CHARGER. Do you really think you'd get a complete back pack, pump and charger for just £24? Doesn't that seem just a bit too good to be true? - It even says that in the description man, what is so hard to understand about that?


It just shows that you're not researching, instead you're just expecting everyone else to break you into this industry. You need to start reading and absorbing text on the screen / what people are saying to you. I've saved you from a mistake this time so learn from it please matey.

I'm starting to think now that you're potentially a troll. I don't like making accusations like that but come on, you're asking us about buying a back pack from a sale that clearly says it is not a back pack.

Back to the question at hand i'm pretty sure i did mention to you previously that the pole is connected to a hose which in turn is connected to the back pack.. hoses are connected by connectors. Which ones you use is down to you but a pole is not dependent on the correct back pack. 

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Hyzer, you REALLY need to start taking more notice of what you're reading. We're all noticing that you're reluctant to do this - we've all given you advice to have you ask the same question 2-3 times over again..

That auction on ebay as clearly stated in the description is for a CHARGER. Do you really think you'd get a complete back pack, pump and charger for just £24? Doesn't that seem just a bit too good to be true? - It even says that in the description man, what is so hard to understand about that?

View attachment 16045

It just shows that you're not researching, instead you're just expecting everyone else to break you into this industry. You need to start reading and absorbing text on the screen / what people are saying to you. I've saved you from a mistake this time so learn from it please matey.

I'm starting to think now that you're potentially a troll. I don't like making accusations like that but come on, you're asking us about buying a back pack from a sale that clearly says it is not a back pack.

Back to the question at hand i'm pretty sure i did mention to you previously that the pole is connected to a hose which in turn is connected to the back pack.. hoses are connected by connectors. Which ones you use is down to you but a pole is not dependent on the correct back pack. 
I agree that he needs to research more and take note of what he is buying 

BUT that eBay listing is slightly misleading and the seller knows it!

why not list as Battery charger for WFP backpacks! instead the title makes out your getting a backpack and pump. plus having a picture of the backpack does not help. Very misleading way to sell the product.

looks not to disimiliar to the Gardiners version. 

personally I would spend that little bit more and go for a Gardiners (I have 2). 

the backpack will be the most important part of your setup (and pole of course) not an item to skimp on. it will pay for itself after a few cleans. 

buy cheap buy twice (I think that's how the saying goes)

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I agree that he needs to research more and take note of what he is buying 

BUT that eBay listing is slightly misleading and the seller knows it!

why not list as Battery charger for WFP backpacks! instead the title makes out your getting a backpack and pump. plus having a picture of the backpack does not help. Very misleading way to sell the product.

I dunno.. I disagree, it does clearly state "BATTERY CHARGER" before the description of what product it will charge:


Perhaps the seller should have used (brackets) to make it clearer but i recognised it as a battery charger sale straight away (mind you, i've seen a lot of "gotcha" auctions on ebay and learnt to recognise them quickly). That said, the description (as posted in my last reply) does make it incredibly clear what the auction is for. Ignoring that isn't looking out for ones own interests.

That's a garden sprayer. It will not have a pump strong enough to pump fluid through 10-20m of hose - and up to a 1st or 2nd floor window.

Face it, buying cheap might be an exciting challenge and you might think it's a sneaky bargain but trust me, I'm the grandson of two ex market traders who ALWAYS bought everything cheap - it was all they knew. Tools always came from markets along with clothes, toys and various other things. All were substandard but would come in packets / boxes that would promise you the world. Ever tried using a socket set from a market on a car or bike? They round out in no time and don't undo many nuts & bolts at all. That then causes self doubts as the more expensive stuff simply looks like an expensive con. Trust me, it isn't. I bought myself a set of Draper sockets years ago for £65 and thought i was being really stupid. Turned out i bought a set of tools that would pretty much undo anything and 10 years later I still have them (plus other tools).

The point to my long winded tale there is that you get what you pay for. Cheap stuff might seem like the answer to your prayers, it might seem exciting because you've sneakily beat the more expensive offerings but trust me, cheap stuff will not last or do the job you hope it will do.

If you want to buy a cheap window cleaning back pack then buy one of those on ebay that is designed for it. It might last 3 months, it might last 6, who knows (the designers certainly won't lol) but at least it'll last longer than a garden sprayer ~ in theory.

Of course there really is an alternative if you want to do this on the cheap, make your own trolley / back pack setup (plenty on google images). Gardiner sell the pumps seperately, they also sell submersible pumps that you can drop into a 25L container:

Back pack pump:


Submersible pump (means you can put it in water)


I dunno.. I disagree, it does clearly state "BATTERY CHARGER" before the description of what product it will charge:

View attachment 16048

The point to my long winded tale there is that you get what you pay for. Cheap stuff might seem like the answer to your prayers, it might seem exciting because you've sneakily beat the more expensive offerings but trust me, cheap stuff will not last or do the job you hope it will do.

If you want to buy a cheap window cleaning back pack then buy one of those on ebay that is designed for it. It might last 3 months, it might last 6, who knows (the designers certainly won't lol) but at least it'll last longer than a garden sprayer ~ in theory.

Of course there really is an alternative if you want to do this on the cheap, make your own trolley / back pack setup (plenty on google images). Gardiner sell the pumps seperately, they also sell submersible pumps that you can drop into a 25L container:

Back pack pump:


Submersible pump (means you can put it in water)


I've always gone by the saying 'buy right, buy once'.  It means taking a lot of time to make sure you buy what you need, but you're always happy with what you buy as it's up to the task of what you need it for, for the the right price.

My kit I went for is the PF Nano with the SLX22.  Reason is it's known quality kit that is highly desirable, so it won't let me down when out on a job, I won't get fiddly little faults that I have to either put up with or find my own fix, and if I decide window cleaning isn't for me then I could get almost all the money I paid for it back as it's resale value is high.  


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