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stencilling my ladders


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just thought id share my stencilling . iv always done this to my ladders its just 1 extra deterrant to theft. whether its made any difference i dunno but nobodys ever taken em. i first prepped the area by lightly sanding it then used car paint primer filler in an aerosol. then a spray aerosol of gloss black for the top coat . After waiting a few hours for it to dry i stencilled on my phone number using green Acrylic paint. Acrylic is very hard wearing.

i had my previous ladders marked up exact same way and after 8 yrs paint was still almost perfect. View attachment 6653

Wouldnr it be easier to put a strip of text on it like on the van?

But still a good ides been thinink of doing it to my ladders

scraped my initials on mine in several places with a sharp nail. i always chain mine to roof bars at end of the day. never bothered for years until some scumbag tried to nick them at 3 in the morning it was summer time & i had the bedroom window open to let some air in. i heard the ladders clattering looked out window & the scumbag was trying to run down the road with them dragging behind him.shouted at him :swear: :swear: & he dropped them & took off.

Never thought of this, great idea. Not only anti theft, another way to advertise as well.
i got the idea after seeing a decorators ladders. his had the stiles painted full length gloss black ,then his name and phone details were painted in white ,this must have been done by a signwriter as it was very neat.
