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Strapping stuff down in van and spilling water?


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The trad bucket you can probably get a lid for and that will sort the issue of spilling. Regarding the barrels, you could build a wooden frame to hold them all in place, then a strap around them just to make them solid.

Failing that get a tank? No swapping hose from barrel to barrel and no air locks.

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Just get a tank and a bilge valve from someone like xline. I called them a few week ago and they had cheap ones..which ain't on the website.

Will fill back packs in a matter of seconds buddy.

I'd be putting straps through the handles as well. Anything hits you there gonna go airborne..

Got a bulk head.

I am going to get a tank. This is just a temporary thing for the moment. Got 3 11 litre DI's. Shall I just bungee them?

With spillage. This must happen a lot. It went under the ply. Is that a major problem? Just park on hill and open back doors?
