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Taking apart a backpack for flow controller


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I'm currently using a facelift backpack and refilling it with barrels as it empties.

ive just bought a 350ltr tank for the back of my van so I haven't got to faf about with individual barrels.

was just wondering if there's a way to take the bottom of the backpack apart and use the pump and battery in it, instead of buying a pump and flow controller?


I did it with a gardiners backpack but not ideal as not suitable for the amount of hose you need for a mounted system

Better to buy a battery for under 20 quid and a cheap pump for similar price off ebay

Then you still have a backpack for jobs with parking issues etc

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Following from Dave, I'd recommend a pump of 4-5lpm capability and 70psi or above.

Be aware that if you use a Univalve, it may not work with a pump rated over 100psi. None of mine would anyway. They turn off OK but struggle to turn back on with 100psi of pressure behind them.

Also if you want a full days use out of it you will need a battery rated at a minmum of 10ah and you will have to charge it every night.

You can also buy a 12v pwm for around 3 quid off ebay and use as a flow controller

No need for expensive digital ones

You are between the Devil and the deep blue sea with flow controller in backpacks.

The controller modules in backpacks come sealed because of water ingress. The downside to this is that of heat. These Ebay controllers aren't sealed but water getting into/onto them will destroy them.

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