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TDS high reading


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I change my pre filters regularly every 3 months and when I check my readings before the d.i, it’s generally 12-13 with a tap reading of around 240.

Yesterday it had gone up to 19, today after running for 3 hours, it’s shot up to 58!!

Any suggestions, or is it a case of new membranes?

These ones are two years old and it’s a 600GPD System

I change my pre filters regularly every 3 months and when I check my readings before the d.i, it’s generally 12-13 with a tap reading of around 240.

Yesterday it had gone up to 19, today after running for 3 hours, it’s shot up to 58!!

Any suggestions, or is it a case of new membranes?

These ones are two years old and it’s a 600GPD System
On the face of it, yes.

Tds out of 13ppm = 94.6% efficient. 94% was a guide given me to when membranes should be replaced.

19ppm = 92%

58ppm is terrible.

Yes I have seen that if the pre filters were cheap. I have seen quite a few blocked with carbon which came from cheap filters 

On the face of it, yes.

Tds out of 13ppm = 94.6% efficient. 94% was a guide given me to when membranes should be replaced.

19ppm = 92%

58ppm is terrible.
Thanks for the reply’s. I get all my filters from gardiners, so not cheap ones.

Last time I changed my membranes, the TDS was gradually going up, this has shot up, just seems odd. Or have others had this?

I have a Y section splitter before the d.i that I use to stop TDS creep. Noticed the other day that the hozlelock connector (with a little lever on it,) that’s supposed to stop the water going to waste, was letting water through.

Changed the connector, problem solved. This is when my problems with the TDS started (roughly).


The new Y section connector isn't contaminated is it Steve maybe a bit greasy? Just a thought.

It started when the old one was leaking, I think 
Ok I read it as it started with the new connector?

Sounds like it is a coincidence that the leak and membranes failed roughly at the same time maybe or not lol.

hope you sort it out asap as you gonna eat thru the resin.
