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Technique and speeding up (with images)


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Wakefield Window Warrior
So as i get busier im interested in speeding up whilst still doing a good job. Up unitl now i would say i am fairly quick but still err on the side of caution, maybe working a bit slower to ensure a good job.

See this image,,,

house example.jpg

Now, the numbers 1-5 is the order i would clean that house windows in, before moving to the bottom.

I clean number 1 and the frame below and rinse it, then 2 and rinse, before doing the others the idea being giving the frame below the top openers time to drip off.

Now it would be quicker to clean the entire window (circled) and rinse the lot in one go rather than back and forthing like that.

I work this way because i always have and i get no complaints so i know im doing ok, just a bit cautious over speeding up.

So my question is how do you lot do it and is there any need to do what i am doing or is it ok to rinse the top opener and the one below in one go. Although the way i do it it only slighly longer it would add up over the course of the day.

Also does anyone have any videos on technique that show someone working fast but effectively?

I'd do it 3,1,4,2,5.
Rinse 1,3,4,2,5.

But I might go 3,1,4,2,5 depending on if they run or not.
So you scrub the lot first then come back and rinse the lot?

I was wonder if anyone scrubbed 1,3 & 4 in one go then rinsed them in one go then moved onto the next windows scrub and rinse.

That would seem to be the quickest way but i do it my way because im paranoid they would run. BUT ive never done it any other way so i dont know if they would

I'd do 13425 but I rinse on glass with high flow so don't think there's any need to go over them again. I don't get any complaints and think I've increased speed since rinsing on glass.

So you scrub the lot first then come back and rinse the lot?
I was wonder if anyone scrubbed 1,3 & 4 in one go then rinsed them in one go then moved onto the next windows scrub and rinse.

That would seem to be the quickest way but i do it my way because im paranoid they would run. BUT ive never done it any other way so i dont know if they would
No, I'd scrub the window on the left first and rinse and then move to the next window and scrub and rinse.

It's like painting by numbers for grown up men with poles.

I suppose it's not going to make a great difference what order it is.

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Ain't you better looking at tools for speed adam? Uni valve, lighter pole, hot water, hose reel positioning, electric reel etc

I'm the same as tuffers 9 times out of 10. Originally I would have done it your way but having got no complaints I just do top openers In one go. Usually start with giving the middle bar a swipe then sometimes the big window (think it was number 1 ?) Then the top opener and then below it.

if its a maintenance clean and the frames are good your rinsing on with a good flow treat the windows as 1  do top left, top right, door and bottom window 

if its a maintenance clean and the frames are good your rinsing on with a good flow treat the windows as 1  do top left, top right, door and bottom window 
That's what I was wondering. I've not tried doing it like that buy will have to experiment. I feel like I am over cleaning at times although I'm not slow I think I could save a few minutes per house. It all adds up.

i would do 13425

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Rinse in same sequence

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Do you guys not rinse each pane as you scrub it?

I don't go back on myself..scrub pane..rinse..move to the next one

A lot quicker and easier to rinse as i rinse on the glass mostly anyway

I do exactly like you drawed up , exept i mainly do a wash on the first round , then a rinse in the same order . Never gets complaints either and the system works on most windows , i do a lot of wooden frames in my area . 
